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Items tagged with: BirdUi

Grouped Notifications UI is still draft, but we like to test new things on production 🙂

Grouped notifications support for Mastodon Bird UI is added in the latest nightly version:

You can enable grouped notifications in notification settings under Experimental features.

#MementoMoriSocial #MastoAdmin #Mastodon #BirdUI #MastodonBirdUI

It’s a bit of a stretch to say character limit means ”trying so hard to be X”. I completely disagree. It has nothing to do with that, especially because X character limit is still 280.

Most of the social media software in the Fediverse have mostly the same features and some more. Most of the microblogging platforms resemble X by their UIs. And that’s perfectly OK. Take my Bird UI for example, inspired by Twitter:

The difference is, we don’t have a single owner here. This is open source. We don’t ”try hard to be X”, that is bullshit, because most of us escaped from X. And that’s the only difference that matters.

PS. We have 10000 chars. My WordPress has endless.

#Fediverse #Mastodon #BirdUI #MastodonBirdUI

@nix Mona is really nice and has all the features and customizability that Mastodon has and more. But it’s for iOS and AFAIK there won’t be an Android version. I actually purchased an iPhone after using 14 years an Android phone, partly because of more beautiful apps like Ice Cubes, Ivory and Mona. On Android I only used my #BirdUi web version as Chrome app because didn’t find as good Android apps.

#Mona #MonaApp #IceCubes #iPhone

:skull360: We have now successfully upgraded to v4.3.0-alpha.4+mementomods-2024-06-30+pr30850. The server has Mastodon Bird UI 2.0.0rc38 installed.

The branch is now synced and up-to-date and 238 commits ahead from the last version 2024-06-01.

This version contains some fixes to both Mastodon and Mastodon Bird UI. Most notably the new experimental hover cards feature is available for our instance.

As usual, please tell me about any strange things you may encounter with this Mastodon version. We're running bleeding edge after all.

I hope you enjoy your time here. Feel free to send me a message if you have anything in mind. :bunhdheart:

#MementoMoriSocial #MastoAdmin #Mastodon #MastodonBirdUI #BirdUI