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Items tagged with: Disability

How can we improve #accessibility for scientific conferences? This short guide by Ulla McClurg covers many of the issues that organisers (and attendees) can consider.

#academia #disability

In case anyone missed it - @trishgreenhalgh dropped a HUGE multi disciplinary study on masks & respirators yesterday.

This study involved people from all over the world and tackled everything from are masks effective against COVID (spoiler -
They are), why were there bad RCTs saying the opposite and what were their flaws, what are the sociological barriers to masking (with input from @DALupton).

It was exactly the kind of gold standard, irrefutable study on masks and respirators that we need to counter the “masks don’t work” crowd. Unfortunately I realize many of them won’t ever read it - but it still feels wonderful to see it laid out so clearly.

If any of the other contributors are on here - please drop a comment so I can find & follow you!

#CovidIsAirborne #CovidIsNotOver #CovidCautious #sarscov2 #maskup #WearAMask #CleanAir #Pandemic #Disability #accessibility #DisabilityRights #N95s are closing all petitions early before the UK general election.

These two are still open and sadly under-signed:

Do not ban transgender people from receiving care in mainstream hospital wards

New rules for manufacturers of medical device implants

All petitions now close at 00:01am on 30 May.

Please boost!

#disability #medicine #trans #lgbtq+ #antifacism

From The Sick Times:

"How to make spaces more accessible during the continuing pandemic"

"A blueprint for radical inclusion and living a full, safer life within the context of Covid-19 exists.

Many mutual aid groups and initiatives advocating for clean air and continued Covid-19 safety are emerging all over the world using technology and layers of protection to help mitigate the spread of viruses."

#CovidIsNotOver #Covid #CovidCautious #LongCovid #Disability

A friend of mine made this fantastic respirator graphic with a QR code that links to the huge study on efficacy of masks & respirators that came out yesterday.

I love that’s it’s eye catching - but the best part is the QR code takes you straight to the study! He’s not on here (yet) but says people are welcome to save & share!

#CovidIsAirborne #CovidIsNotOver #CovidCautious #sarscov2 #maskup #WearAMask #CleanAir #Pandemic #Disability #accessibility #DisabilityRights #N95s #respirators