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Items tagged with: MaskUp

“North Carolina Shelves Controversial Mask Ban Bill Amid Public Outcry”

“North Carolina's House Bill 237, which aimed to criminalize wearing masks in public, has been temporarily shelved due to widespread online protests and petitions.”

But only temporarily.

#hb237 #CovidIsNotOver #MaskUp #Covid #CovidIsAirborne

In case anyone missed it - @trishgreenhalgh dropped a HUGE multi disciplinary study on masks & respirators yesterday.

This study involved people from all over the world and tackled everything from are masks effective against COVID (spoiler -
They are), why were there bad RCTs saying the opposite and what were their flaws, what are the sociological barriers to masking (with input from @DALupton).

It was exactly the kind of gold standard, irrefutable study on masks and respirators that we need to counter the “masks don’t work” crowd. Unfortunately I realize many of them won’t ever read it - but it still feels wonderful to see it laid out so clearly.

If any of the other contributors are on here - please drop a comment so I can find & follow you!

#CovidIsAirborne #CovidIsNotOver #CovidCautious #sarscov2 #maskup #WearAMask #CleanAir #Pandemic #Disability #accessibility #DisabilityRights #N95s

A friend of mine made this fantastic respirator graphic with a QR code that links to the huge study on efficacy of masks & respirators that came out yesterday.

I love that’s it’s eye catching - but the best part is the QR code takes you straight to the study! He’s not on here (yet) but says people are welcome to save & share!

#CovidIsAirborne #CovidIsNotOver #CovidCautious #sarscov2 #maskup #WearAMask #CleanAir #Pandemic #Disability #accessibility #DisabilityRights #N95s #respirators

I cant believe this bill is about to get passed!

It would criminalize mask-wearing in public even for medical reasons ... It's just unacceptable.. there's a change petition and people we need to email tonight/before 9am Wed morning (5-15), this endangers us / violates rights!;;;;

#covid #CovidIsNotOver #MaskUp #LongCOVID