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Items tagged with: Flatpak

Flatpaks are really outrageous in size...I have tried to use flatpaks for the past months but man o man....hundreds of MB for each package, takes forever to update them even on my 1GB internet connection. The idea is great, but this is such a huge downside that I cannot see how it is going to make the flatpaks easier to use than normal packaging.

Look at this for ungoogled chromium:

Had to download around 4-5 GB....insane!

#linux #flatpak

Found and patched!

CVE-2024-32462: Sandbox escape via RequestBackground portal and CWE-88 · Advisory · flatpak/flatpak

#Linux #Flatpak

Thanks to all you developers out there adding brand colors to your apps over the past months we're almost ready to launch featured banners ✨

If you're an app maintainer and haven't done this yet for your app, here are the docs:

To make it more interesting we're setting a deadline! We will be launching the new banners on April 20th, so for the possibility to be featured during the first week, update your apps today :)

#flathub #flatpak #gnome #kde #linux

Sometimes your desktop just gets a little boring and when that happens, let Damask refresh it. The app can automatically cycle through your wallpapers and can even find you some new ones. It give you the option to pull from various sources, like Bing and Wallhaven's collection of backgrounds. With Damask, you can always have a new backdrop to your digital life!

You can follow the app's creator here: @subpop

You can get the app on Flathub here:

#gnome #apps #flatpak

Junction 1.8 is out ✨

Junction pops up automatically when you open a file or link to let you choose which app to open with.

The highlight of this version is better mobile and touch support :linux: 📱

Plus, the app is now verified on Flathub and has a "High quality app data" rating.

#GNOME #GTK #Flatpak #Flathub #LinuxMobile #Linux

New #blog #post "State of music production with Flatpak".
#linux #linuxaudio #plugin #flatpak #sandbox #debugging #musicproduction

Auch auf Deutsch, "Stand der Musikproduktion mit Flatpak".
#linuxaudio #linux #flatpak #blog #post