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Items tagged with: covid

‼️ From the People’s CDC:

The FDA, between now and May 8, is accepting public comments for their upcoming vaccine committee meeting.

👉 Let them know that all of us need access to COVID vaccines at least twice a year. 👈

#COVID #COVIDVaccine #COVIDIsNotOver #HealthCare #FDA @novid

Das deutsch-chinesische Labor in Wuhan: Wie tief stecken deutsche Wissenschaftler im Corona-Sumpf? #Deutsch-chinesischesForschungslabor #TongjiMedicalCollege #BioSafetyLevel2 #UnionHospital #Corona-Virus #SARS-COV-2 #UlfDittmer #Virologie #COVID-19 #LabLeak #Wuhan

@nix For Ireland, also:

- Are you over 80?

(Because you can’t even pay for it here. It’s bonkers. Government by ostriches basically.)

#Covid #vaccine #booster #ireland #farce #CovidIsNotOver

Not surprisingly, going into stores is a major source of transmission of Covid. This is one reason that Biden's extensive efforts to end masking was so dangerous.

“We must have this national conversation. How are we going to deal with long #COVID?”

Featured post: Medical experts and those suffering from this challenging condition are demanding better—more research and healthier air to breathe.

(Edit: adjusted word choice based on reader feedback 🤠)

#LongCovid #Health #news #politics #USpol #science #healthcare #research #CovidIsNotOver #Austin #Texas

"“What I want to emphasize about this #vaccine strategy is that it is broad,” said UCR #virologist & paper author Rong Hai. “It is broadly applicable to any number of #viruses, broadly effective against any variant of a #virus, & safe for a broad spectrum of people. This could be the universal vaccine that we have been looking for.”

The new vaccine... relies on small, silencing RNA molecules"

#Health #Science #Vaccines #Vaccination #Flu #COVID #Covid19 #News #NoPaywall

1) WHO's leading vaccine official testified in court that she advised against #COVID passports & was ignored.
COVID vaccines didn't stop transmission; passports gave a false sense of security.

REMEMBER: truth about medicine always comes out in lawsuits.

A pandemic habit I’ve kept: I set out free seedlings for people in the neighborhood to take.

#gardening #covid #GoodVibes #plants

Debunktion Junction:

#Covid vaccines not linked to fatal heart problems in young people, CDC finds

The new report debunks widespread misinformation that the mRNA shots were connected to sudden cardiac death in young athletes.

Q: If you walk into a room where someone with #COVID has been previously, how long can infectious virus 🦠 still be present?

A: Potentially, nearly 5 hours!

These researchers found that genetically identical #SarsCoV2 infected a patient who was admitted 4 hrs, 45 min post D/C of an asympto infected pt. Have to wonder if it’d be even longer if they’d been symptomatic…
#medicine #press

Clean air. It just makes sense, especially in schools.

The Lancet: Designing infectious disease resilience into school buildings through improvements to ventilation and air cleaning
— APRIL 2021

#covid #CleanAir