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Items tagged with: MurthyVMissouri

In a 6-3 ruling, the majority said the challengers did not have legal grounds — or #standing — to bring the case against the #Biden admin.

The case, known as #MurthyVMissouri, gave #SCOTUS an opportunity to shape how govt ofcls interact w/ #SocialMedia companies & communicate w/the #public online. The dispute is one of several before the justices this term that tests #Republican claims that social media companies are working w/ #Democratic allies to silence #conservative voices.


Back to the #SocialMedia #moderation / #FirstAmendment case, #MurthyVMissouri, the vote was 6 to 3, w/ Justice #ClarenceThomas, Samuel A. #Alito Jr. & Neil M. #Gorsuch in dissent.

Justice Alito wrote in the #dissent which begins on p35 of the pdf. Alito made a point to restate much of the evidence specifically naming Biden ofcls. He does not address the matter of “injury in fact” (#standing) until p50.

#SCOTUS #law #disinformation