Items tagged with: code
Easily comment/ uncomment parts of code by removing/ adding a slash.
Moved to my new instance, so here's an #Introduction 👋🏼
I'm Rosie. Married to @wouter. Mum of 3. Dutch Indo #designer #artist #illustrator.
I ❤️ to #paint #draw #craft #sew #sculpt #design #code #drupal and build #lego
Sometimes I stream games and art on #Twitch.
Neurospicy (#ASD), and I have #lipoedema in my legs/arms.
Love to connect with fellow artists, crafters, gamers and geeks. 😄
Paper crafts: @RosieSoCrafty
#TheSims stuff: @SimsNetwork
#AnimalCrossing stuff: @RosieSoCrossing
Know the animated 🌈 border + glow effect that's all the rage? It's normally done by adding an opaque cover on top of two 🌈 layers.
But what if we wanted a (semi)transparent background within the border? It's possible with pure #CSS!
Heavily commented on @codepen…
#cssGradient #conicGradient #code #web #dev #webDev #webDevlopment #frontend #coding #cssAnimation #rainbow
I made a thing: scroll-driven, almost pure #CSS infinite circular gallery rotation - check it out on @codepen…
Using scroll-driven animations and the tiniest bit of JS for the infinity part of it.
Made with 🖤 for this week's #CodePenChallenge.
cc @bramus
#SVG #cssGrid #scrollAnimation #filter #svgFilter #cssFilter #cssLayout #3D #cssTransforms #code #coding #frontend #web #dev #webDev #webDevelopment
The Ko-fi promote your page is ugly and the #CSS for it is inefficient (radial gradient covers with jagged edges 😿…).
So I made 2 better versions in this @codepen demo…
Using a technique I first wrote about in 2015…
#cssGradient #code #coding #frontend #web #dev #webDev #webDevelopment
The `background-clip` Property And Its Use Cases | CSS-Tricks
background-clip is one of those properties I've known about for years, but rarely used. Maybe just a couple of times as part of a solution to a Stack OverflowAna Tudor (CSS-Tricks)