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Items tagged with: webDev

Service overview and uptime page with Kuma Uptime

With a bunch of free web services a status or uptime page is also a must. Luckily there are beautiful self-hosted solutions like Cachet and Kuma Uptime.

#WebDev #KumaUptime #service

Jag har tre små löjliga mål med 2024
(I have three small, silly goals for 2024).

🖥️ Lära mig Hugo static site generator (Learn Hugo static site generator)

🌐 Hosta egna Webbserver på min raspberry pi 3 (Host my own web server on my Raspberry Pi 3)

📚 Läsa minst 6 böcker (Read at least 6 books)

#rpi #raspberrypi #hugo #webdev #reading #books #Bookstodon

📝 New Post: Surfing The Web And Sharing What I Find

How I surf the web, manage my online bookmarks and share exciting hyperlinks with the community.


#web #11ty #eleventy #webdev

OMG I hate video tutorials 😖

Thanks for the good intentions, but please just write your tutorials and walkthroughs in plain text, it’s sooo much easier to follow.

#webdev #tutorials

What on earth?! Amazon S3 charges you for unauthorised requests to S3?!

That's just absolutely insane! I better check my AWS account and delete any unused buckets I have in there …

#aws #s3 #infosec #webdev #cloud

I think as web developers we have been collectively brainwashed into thinking that you must use React and Tailwind to create websites, when all you really need are vanilla web standards and a text editor. We should be making it easier to make websites than it is right now. You should not need a PhD in web design to create something that you can share and express yourself. We need more tools that make web development easy, not more tools that turn it into some 10 step build process #webdev

As I delve into yet another data analytics project, I'm wondering what static site generators folks are using these days?

#webdev #staticsite #jekyll #hugo #11ty

📝 New Post: Deploying An 11ty Project To Shared Hosting

Forget the usual suspects for your website hosting. You should consider shared hosting for your next 11ty project.


#web #11ty #eleventy #webdev

Our first service is up live! Spam blocking for your website's forms that doesn’t require any annoying captcha.

#SmallWeb #indieweb #webdev #website

Issue 40 of the 11ty Bundle blog is out: Another canary, Tolkien's 'eleventy', Transforms in the docs, Dev Server 2.0, eleventy-img beta, Validate your data, Embed everything, Two new starters, 11ty conference speakers...AND 3 releases, 7 posts, and 2 sites to see

#11ty #eleventy @eleventy #webdev

Accepting almost* everything in #webdev eventually falls but agreeing w/ @chriscoyier here.

"Technologies do tend to come and go.... But when tech gets big enough, it tends to not go. #WordPress is huge, and it’s been huge every second of my entire web dev career. To me it echos social media in a way. In the middle days of Facebook, it’s demise was often predicted.... But it didn’t, and it’s demise is no longer predicted. It’s too big to fail. So too is #React."

This piece from @heydon details his system for using the new features of #CSS to test HTML for proper semantics and structure. Just incredible what’s going on in some of these selectors.


Inspired by the mention of Shiki by @chriscoyier in the Codepen Newsletter, I created a Web Component for quickly and easily using Shiki in any project, no tooling or complex builds required, works with all frameworks!

Docs here:

Live Codepen here:

#WebComponents #WebDev

Pragmatic drag and drop lib that can be used with any view layer (react, svelte, vue, angular and so on).

Powers Trello, Jira and Confluence.

#TypeScript #JavaScript #opensource #webdev

🍦 New Article: The International Symposium on Making Websites Real Good #WebDev #FrontEndDeveloper #100DaysOfCode #CodeNewbie

Got bored with my old website design so I decided to make a new one. Tried to make it less boring, but I'm no designer, so I'm not sure if I succeeded.

I also wrote a short blog post about the update:

#personal #blog #webdesign #webdev #blogging #11ty

I’ve seen this meme too many times but this implementation is probably the best. #react #memes #webdev

🔗: Git Fresh #WebDev

📝: Enhancing pagination with a page selector #Eleventy #WebDev #JavaScript

Hey, all! On stream today we'll be making more updates to the Andromeda website, making use of Eleventy - check them out at @eleventy, and come hang out with us in chat!

#webdev #Eleventy #11ty #HTML #CSS #JavaScript

@adactio highlights an interesting gotcha of the new `hanging-punctuation` CSS property, in that it also applies to some form inputs.

#typography #css #webdev