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Items tagged with: congress

So, 21 Republicans in Congress are planning on slowing things down and not doing any work in protest of Felon Trump being prosecuted.

My question is simple. How will we know the difference?

#republicans #congress

"And then what? On #Jan6 2021, thousands stormed the #Capitol because #Trump convinced them the #election had been stolen.

They smashed through doors and windows and disrupted the House and Senate chambers to #StopTheSteal and obstruct #Congress from exercising its constitutional responsibility to certify electoral votes.

They failed, thanks to D.C. police and #US Capitol officers who put their lives on the line.

But next time?"

#MAGA #Violence #USA #Politics #News

“This change comes after celebrities and billionaires voiced concerns over their flight data being too easily accessible online.”

Great, can the rest of us get some kind of bill that limits all these tech shitheads from tracking all our fucking lives? No? Right.

When the oligarchs want something from #Congress, they get it within weeks. When the rest of us want something, we’re shit out of luck. #classwar

In the admin’s most detailed assessment of #Israel’s conduct in #Gaza, #State said in a written report to #Congress that Israel “has the knowledge, experience & tools to implement best practices for mitigating #civilian harm in its #military operations.”

But it added that “the results on the ground, including high levels of civilian casualties, raise substantial questions” as to whether the #IDF are using them sufficiently.

#LawsOfWar #HumanRights #Law #Palestinians #MiddleEast #geopolitics
