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Items tagged with: sillyscribbles

Did I mention that I don't always know what to write? Aye, that.

But I would definitely watch this.

#sillyScribbles #MyfanwyAndFriend #film #silly #nonsense

A lot of trees got seriously damaged in storms last winter, and were chopped down as a result. Nice to see so many of them fighting back this spring, and growing magnificent hairdos in the process.

#sillyScribbles #photography #nature #silly #nonsense #drawing

Too much politics for a couple of days, however pleasing most of the results. Off to find some flowers.

#sillyScribbles #bloomScrolling #photography #silly #spring #drawing

Having a scribble before bed, and all I've managed to do is give myself a earworm. The only decent thing to do is share it, obviously.

🎶 I'm so dizzy, my head is spinning
Like a whirlpool, it never ends 🎶

G'night! 💤

#sillyScribbles #animation #dance #sunset #tree

Got lost in a new set of photos today, with small amounts of Useful Stuff in breaks. That is the wrong way round.

*gives self stern talking to*

Right. Off to be useful.

#sillyScribbles #photography #lichenSubscribe #silly #nonsense #drawing

Sometimes the best places to sit & chill are temptingly within reach, but just not the right size

#sillyScribbles #photography #trees #nature #silly #drawing
