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Items tagged with: ArtificialIntelligence

🎶I been living fast, fast, fast, fast
Feeling really bad, bad, bad, bad
Time really moves fast, fast, fast, fast
Better hurry up and get in your bag, bag, bag, bag🎶

#Music to #Art

#AIart #MidJourneyArt #MidjourneyAI #ArtificialIntelligence #MastoArt #FediArt #Art #Artist #GenerativeArt #GenerativeAI #Midjourney

this interaction visualized by Midjourney and described for you and other visually impaired folks using ChatGPT. Hope it does a good enough job!

#AIart #MidJourneyArt #MidjourneyAI #ArtificialIntelligence #MastoArt #FediArt #Art #Artist #GenerativeArt #GenerativeAI #Midjourney

KI generiert kein Wissen, sondern setzt gemäss voreingestellten Parametern und Algorithmen Wörter in eine in erster Linie grammatikalisch richtige Abfolge - in neuer Zusammensetzung.

Was darüber hinausgeht, bleibt am verfügbaren Datensatz an Informationen hängen. Sind die Informationen (aka der Datensatz) Müll, dann gibt KI grammatikalisch korrekten Müll in anderer Zusammensetzung wieder.

#AI #KI #artificialintelligence #google #fail #information #disinformation

“most striking about the tale of the Bell rocket belt is the shape of the deception that Moore and Bell pulled off” #jetpacks
“exactly what the #selfdriving car #robotaxi bros did over the past decade to convince us all that the human driver was already obsolete. The playbook was nearly identical”
“we have vested an alarming amount of power in the hands of #tech #billionaires by @pluralistic
#solutionism #DontBelieveTheHype #AI #artificialintelligence

And this is why I currently love AI....I took the Oliphant's Unified Tier 0 Blocklist CSV and ChatGPT gave me the list of domains within so I can import it into Misskey/Sharkey.

I'd post it here, but Mastodon doesn't let you upload files that aren't "media".🤷‍♂️

#AI #ChatGPT #ArtificialIntelligence #Fedi #Fediverse #FediAdmin #Misskey #Sharkey