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Items tagged with: UKpol

Did anybody actually watch the debate?

I found I couldn't ba arsed. I also watch a summary later but I could only tolerate about a minute of it.

It was just PMQs without the brigade of braying donkeys, as expected.

The last couple of times around, the debates with 5 or 6 party leaders were way better, because when put on an equal footing with Tory City and United, the smaller parties tend to do well and make incisive points.

Anyway back to the Farage Publicity Shoe I guess


It was a startling accomplishment: an election debate which subtracted from the net total of human knowledge.

To say it was aimed at the lowest common denominator is an insult to fractions.


From the BBC web site, a profile of the leader from each political party.

Who's missing?


Politician: *attacks the foundation of democracy*

Protestor: *throws milkshake at politician*

Internet commentator: I hate fascists too, but throwing a milkshake at one is attacking the foundations of democracy. I am very intelligent.

#antifa #UKPol

this young woman is the Future

EDIT: the antifacists' name is 'Victoria'
Begin the writing of ballads honouring her act

#GE2024 #NigelFarage #Farage #UKPOL #Ukpolitics #Clacton

Every remaining Tory (City) MP, every Blue Tory councillor, every Conservative Association member, every Conservative voter is now officially a transphobe.

That's the policy of your party. You can't hide from it any longer.

Queer Tories are fucking traitors.

That's my first pride post


Hey folks! I'm looking for examples of elected officials and people running for office who have accounts on the fediverse.

Know of one? Please let me know! Boosts appreciated :boost_requested:

#USPol #CanPoli #UKPol

Sunak is now almost literally role playing the plot of Starship Troopers ... "We need you all. Service guarantees citizenship"

"Would you like to know more?"

#UK #UKPol #UKPolitics #UKPol #GE2024 #GeneralElection #Sunak #GTTO

I was waiting for this:

Cassetteboy - Tory-Zero (Rishi's Version) #ukpol

Content warning: UK politics; general election 2024; vetting candidates

If you're not sure about if you have valid ID for getting to vote (because of the Tories bullshit voter supression laws), then just apply for a postal vote.

Then you can vote against the Tories with ease.

#UKPol #UKPolitics #GeneralElection #GE2024 #FuckTheTories
