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Items tagged with: ge2024

Aha, darum diese Diskrepanz zwischen Anzahl Stimmen und Anzahl Sitzen:
„[…] Under the first-past-the-post system used in UK general elections, the person with the most votes in each constituency becomes the MP and candidates from other parties get nothing. […]“

Das #FPTP-System ("first-past-the-post").


#ukelection #ukvote #ge2024

Obligatory PR post

Votes per MP (back of an envelope)
Labour 23,500
Lib dem 49,000
Conservative 56,800
Green 475,000
Reform 1,000,000

So each reform MP represents 40 times as many voters as a Labour MP.

I don't want more reform MPs but you do that by making people's lives better not by ignoring their voice.

#ukpol #ge2024

I'm frankly amazed and cheered that the Green party achieved 4 seats, and almost 2 million people voted for them.

These are not protest votes in the way Reform votes have been either but genuine conscience voting choices.

Still, that Greens and Reform get 4 seats each, given Reform had twice as many votes and, more telling, as do Plaid and DUP with less than a tenth of the green voters numbers, is telling when it comes to #FPTP.

Imagine what they could do in a #dhondtPR system?

If Green and Reform end up with the same number of seats, which looks likely at the moment, I'm sure they'll get exactly the same amount of press coverage. That'll definitely happen, right? Right? #GE2024

Oh and BBC has switched from Curtice to Andrea effing Leadsom. So I’m switching to Sky News 🙂 #ge2024

I’m so glad the BBC still employs Curtice on election night. Makes it clear what may or may not change as the night goes on, and how voters behaving. Important point: in seats Tories are defending, votes are seeping to Reform that makes Labour’s task easier. #ge2024

Thank goodness. Curtice as ever making sense of the data. #ge2024

“The moral collapse of Boris Johnson” says Mandelson. Too right. #ge2024

Oh f*** *** Steve Baker. Take responsibility. He’s couching absolute bullshit but with a level tone. #ge2024

Oh that Jeremy Vine list of seats that’ll change hands on BBC. Oh wow. And so happy to see Rugby going red - my old friend John Slinger running for Labour there. #ge2024

BBC trying to analyse Scottish politics 😡 #ge2024

This is quite funny: the Tories are not going to have anyone left to replace Sunak. #ge2024

This is an implosion of the Tories more than it’s any resounding Labour result. This time first past the post is *massively* benefitting Labour. #ge2024

Agh. Tories not below 100 😭

But still 🎉


🏢 40,000 polling stations are now open across 30,800 individual polling places.

Find yours! 👇

🗳️ 🗳️

#generalelection #GE2024

The Israel lobby is truly disgusting.
Tanushka Marah is the British Palestinian independent candidate in Hove.
As well as being refused entry to the Jewish hustings, activists - mostly men - stood outside a women of colour literary event last week with printed placards of her name and words including RAPE and BEHEADING.
Today her electoral materials were stolen and the office vandalised.

#UKPolitics #NoVotesForGenocide #GE2024

Keir Starmer: Trans women 'don't have right' to use women-only spaces

“…the Labour leader was asked about a question posed by prominent gender critical campaigner and author JK Rowling…

'Do biological males with gender recognition certificates have the right to enter women-only spaces? It’s a simple yes/no question.’

…Starmer said: ‘No. They don’t have that right. They shouldn’t.’”

The National:

#GE2024 #TransRights #LGBTQIA #LGBTQ #LGBT @lgbtqia

New Blog Post

Why don't any of the political parties with the power to do it want to fix the UK's broken democracy?

It suits them just fine as it is.

#UKElection #GE2024 #UKPolitics

An election reminder. If you can't vote for the candidate you want because they won't get enough support to win then vote against the one you don't want by voting for the candidate best placed to beat them. You don't have to like them personally, just want to take a step along the road.
#GE24 #GE2024 #VoteTactically

#FarRight #Immigration #Migration #GE2024 #UKPolitics


Far Right thug & leader of the anti-foreigner #EDL, Tommy Robinson arrested at an extremist event in #Canada on suspected immigration offences!

Plain-clothes police detained him under an outstanding immigration warrant.

The Far Right activist was due to speak at several other events in Canada. He's been ordered to stay in the country & hand in his passport.

Oh dear... Oh well 🤷🏾‍♂️


Sub 100 seats for this lot 😂🤣 (and definitely worth a watch ...)

"The chairman of the Tory Party has abruptly ended an interview with Sky News after he refused to answer questions on his chicken run to a seat in the South.

Richard Holden was asked why he claimed to be "bloody loyal to the North East" before switching to a constituency in Essex. After repeatedly failing to answer the question, a Conservative press officer interrupted to say the interview would be terminated"

#UK #UKPol #UKPolitics #GE2024 #GeneralElection #GTTO

#Sunak ‘will extend child benefit to wealthier families

So at an estimated cost of £1.5Bn the threshold for #childBenefit will be extended to £120,00 a year.

They really are taking the piss here. #FoodBank usage the highest it has ever been, the #NHS on its knees, #schools in crisis and now this.

Apparently it will be paid for by cracking down on #TaxAvoidance. What #cretin thought this gem up? They *really* want to lose.

#ToryCorruption #ToryIncompetence #Ge2024