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Items tagged with: disinformation

How #Republicans used #CheapFakes to attack #Biden in 24hrs

#POTUS, who at 81 is decades younger than the vets he honored during Thurs’s D-Day commemoration, nonetheless found his age & fitness in the spotlight as selectively #edited clips of him circulated online.

D-Day’s 80th quickly became the latest example of the fast spread of #manipulated videos, highlighting the use of #misinformation [ #disinformation ] & #ConspiracyTheories in politics.

Hybrid War Fueled by Russian Oil Money.

A Deep Dive into Corruption. MOL oil money comes from Putin, Russia fbs criminals to finance disinformation and propaganda operations in Europe to target freedom and the rule of law. 🚨

What a bastard….article 7 time! Orbáns' Scandalous Propaganda Empire Exposed.

#Ukraine #EU #nato #russianterror #disinformation #hybrid #war #psyop #arrestputin #orban #fascism #ww3 #UN #RussiaIsATerroristState

"Americans are woefully ill-informed. That’s the only conclusion one can reach from a bunch of new polls that are chronicled in the links section below.

According to a new Harris poll for the Guardian, 55% of respondents think the economy is shrinking, 56% think the U.S. is in a recession, 49% believe the S&P 500 stock market index is down for the year, and 49% believe that unemployment is at a 50 year high."

~ Brian Rosenwald

#economy #Biden #disinformation

This generation will experience the full brunt of propaganda capable of being wielded by AI.

"China's latest AI chatbot is trained on President Xi"

"Jinping's political ideology
China’s latest artificial intelligence chatbot is trained on President Xi Jinping’s doctrine in a stark reminder of the ideological parameters that Chinese AI models should abide by"

#AI #China #propaganda #disinformation #Xi

(The upper image has been factchecked as Mexico City, therefore, image 2, Johannesburg 2005.)

The United States has one important export: #propaganda thru #movies.
#Africa #disinformation #misinformation #Hollywood #Hollyweird #Framing

#Russia #Ukraine #disinformation #InformationWarfare #Europe #news #media

'The European Union on Friday banned four more Russian media outlets from broadcasting in the 27-nation bloc for what it calls the spread of propaganda about the invasion of Ukraine and disinformation as the EU heads into parliamentary elections in three weeks.'