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Items tagged with: PRIDE

Parents can be better advocates and avoid common missteps when a child identifies as trans or nonbinary by first recognizing the child’s bravery and explicitly reminding them they’re loved

#PRIDE πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ #PrideMonth #Parenting

Just a reminder that you can grab my Progress Pride backgrounds for free from my Ko-Fi shop!


A happy start into the pride month!

Have the "stellar" Progress Pride flag I made last year from various NASA Astronomy Pictures of the Day!

And remember:
- "Queer" is not a slur (anymore - absolutely OK if you don't want it applied to yourself, though!).
- "LGB" is a dogwhistle put in place by those who wish to divide & conquer us.
- The "A" in LGBTQIA+ is for all queer As - like aromantic, asexual, agender..., not for allies.
- "Ally" is a verb, and others use it to describe what you do - not a badge you stick on yourself.
- Not everything that looks straight is straight, and might be hella queer!
- If you think queer people and relationships are "unsuitable for children", it means you sexualize them, not that they're inherently sexual.
- Your labels, your rules - their labels, their rules.
- It's "Pride" because shame is the weapon that is used against who we are and who we love.
- Queer people are people first.
- Be excellent to each other! #PrideMonth #Pride #Queer

To go with the Klingon pride emblems I made a while ago, here are some Starfleet delta ones for use as profile pictures etc. (Other variants and transparent background versions to follow) #pride #startrek #art

#LGBTQ workers want more than just #pride flags πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ

Less hype and more (actually affirming) health care, please

Happy #Pride Month to everyone! Celebrate yourself and your love in all its forms!


πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ πŸ‡΅πŸ‡Έ Now that Pride month is here, don't forget about the pinkwashing of Israel to justify the bombing of Palestinians

#Israel #Palestine #Pride #LGBTQ

Map of Northern France showing the number of arrests and deportations of homosexuals to concentration camps during World War 2. It is important to remember this history, especially due to attempts by some to erase queer history. In 2023 extreme-right polemicist and habitual history falsifier Γ‰ric Zemmour claimed that deportation of French homosexuals was a myth, prompting condemnation and correction from French historians. #pride

"An Army major is celebrating one year of having earned approval to wear his hair and tribe-specific regalia items in a way that honors his Native American heritage during appropriate service ceremonies."

#NativeAmerican #FirstNation #USA #USArmy #Heritage #Pride #History #News
