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Items tagged with: Brexit

I wish I was still able to participate in the #euelections2024 .

#Brexit was one of the worst events in recent UK politics. And that's WITH Liz Truss crashing our economy!

Finally - a concrete benefit of #Brexit

Massive customs windfall ... for Ireland


#UKpol #IRLpol #PM #Sunak #Ireland #UK #asylum

Via @theguardianrss

"Sunak: rise in asylum seekers in Ireland proves Rwanda plan ‘having impact’"

s/: Hm, IDK, #Rishi. As a descendent of a people that were colonized by the #Brits, did it never occur to you that the Torys destroyed #Britains's attractiveness with #Brexit so much, that not even #AsylumSeekers want to go there anymore for lack of a better life? /s

Linke Forderung: Linke Forderung „Reichensteuer“: Wenn das Vermögen den Dexit macht #Vermögenssteuer #Kapitalflucht #Reichensteuer #Wirtschaft #Finanzen #Brexit #Steuer

Ex-Brexit Party MEP and Reform Party Deputy Leader Ben Habib questions "What is uncivilised?" about leaving asylum seekers to drown in the channel.

How did we give these people any foothold in our civic discourse?

#politics #ukpolitics #ReformUK #Brexit

Gerichte ausgehebelt, Einwände ignoriert, Abgeordnete brüskiert: Die britische Regierung hat das Asylsystem durchlöchert und will sogar internationales Recht brechen. Aber ob sie damit noch einmal eine Wahl gewinnt?#Großbritannien #Brexit #FluchtundVertreibung #RishiSunak

Government will delay critical health and safety checks for EU imports when post-#Brexit border controls begin this month because of the risk of “significant disruption

Might under 30's manage to escape the travel problems of Brexit?

Well the European Commission certainly hopes so... and of course, behind this may be a hope of further enhancing support by the young for closer relations with the EU (reversing some of the nonsenses of Brexit?)

#Brexit #EuropeanUnion

Drug shortages, now normal in UK, made worse by leaving EU, report warns

#brexit has indeed made the UK “the sick man of Europe”


Suella Hopeful & favourite to be a future Tory leader attending The National Conservatism Conference: Preserving the Nation-State in Europe" – a European version of (CPAC) . Take a look at the shower of cu**s speaking, we should be worried about the future

#brexit #ToryLies #tory #tories #ToriesOut #toryscum #politics #ukpolitics #bbc #news #costofliving #EU #inflation #Sunak #nhs #rishisunak #Labour #immigration #keirstarmer #Starmer #BrexitBenefits #water #TorySewageParty #SuellaBraverman

This is what we lost - and what we want back. #RejoinEU #rejoin #Brexit

EU citizenship means: ____

🛫 Move: The right to live, work and study anywhere in the EU. No visa or work permits required!

🗳️ Vote: Democratic rights are a core part of being an EU citizen. By voting, your voice is heard when laws are discussed and adopted at the European level.

🗣️ Speak up: You can launch or support a European Citizens’ Initiative and petition the European Parliament.

Find out what being an EU citizen really means for you →!n7HDFW

Briton and French wife face £11,000 Brexit visa bill to return home to UK - "Stephen Kaye has Parkinson’s but couple blocked from Britain despite having paid taxes there" the callous reality of #brexit bigotry..