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Items tagged with: COVIDIsNotOver

just got the updated covid vax!

we made appts, but the rite aid had just ran out of doses, so we called around and found a location that still had some and accepted walk-ins. so that's an option too, if you have the space/time for that.

cvs/walgreens/rite aid all have scheduling options right now (tho walgreens' earliest appts are on 9/6). add more in comments and i'll edit this post

#CovidIsNotOver #vaccines #COVID #COVID19

“People act like covid went away. It didn’t go away. It keeps popping up with new variants,” she said. “When you go out in public, masking, it’s the smart thing to do.”


#PublicHealth #covid #LongCovid #vaccines #immunization #MaskUp #CovidIsNotOver

what's y'all's experience been with mpox vaccines? covid vaccines always hit me pretty hard for 3-4 days with arm/shoulder soreness, chills, achy all over, etc.

got an appt for the new covid vax tomorrow and wondering if I should get both at the same time or if I'd be completely wrecked by doing that. feel like I can reschedule a couple weeks out for mpox if needed, but def want new covid vax yesterday

#mpox #CovidIsNotOver #vaccines

People, #Corona is still going strong! I'm not sick (yet) but have 2 family members who are positive. One feels very sick, the other not yet but is working from home just in case.

Wear masks again when in crowds!


We need a new word for forced, perpetual pandemic, because "endemic" isn't it. 😡


Oooh yeah, is one of those review papers where about half gets highlighted.

Quotes and takeaways? Oh yes!

Are reinfections a sensible way to mitigate future infections? NO!

"the known severe consequences of Long COVID are only part of the long-term consequences of COVID-19. It is crucial to acknowledge that SARS-CoV-2 poses significant threats that are further exacerbated by reinfections"


#COVIDIsNotOver #LongCOVID #LC #COVID #COVID19 #SARSCoV2 #Pandemic #maskUp #cleanAir

If someone feels just fine after an acute infection, does that mean they were unscathed? NO!

"It is important to consider that many known adverse health outcomes, including heart conditions and cancers, can be asymptomatic until harm thresholds are reached."

"while Long COVID symptoms are associated with organ damage, there are many individuals that have organ damage without displaying recognized symptoms"

"Recent studies have shown that well over 50 % of people, in some reports 70 % or more, who have contracted SARS-COV-2 suffer damage to their organs"


#COVIDIsNotOver #LongCOVID #LC #COVID #COVID19 #SARSCoV2 #Pandemic #maskUp #cleanAir

💊😷 Just did this legwork for a friend, and as it's Friday during a Covid surge & even people with doctors won't be able to raise them until Monday, here are ways to access Paxlovid in the US:

Hit up a telemedicine service for the prescription, e.g. ;

Then head over to and say you're uninsured/insurance won't cover, if needed. Feel free to add tips in replies.


"The basic facts about COVID have not evolved that much: It is a highly contagious airborne disease, tight-fitting masks are effective, regular vaccinations are helpful in avoiding more serious illness, and isolation (some experts insist longer than five days) is warranted to avoid getting other people sick. It can cause death and long-term or permanent disability.

"What has changed in the last four years is that it has become harder and harder for people to remain clear on this information and to put these basic guidelines into practice. The information about the risks of COVID and how to avoid them has gone from being mainstream advice to countercultural information that people have to search out."


Your regular reminder that it's not because you're ignoring it that it's going away.

On the other hand, it's because you're ignoring it that it's affecting more and more people (remember the problem is not flu-like symptoms for a few days, the problem is brain damage and screwed-up immune system) and that it's mutating constantly.

#Health #Covid #CovidIsNotOver