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Items tagged with: covid19

We should all already know this,
And shouldn't have to ask,
But if you're important enough to live,
You're important enough to mask.

Here are Kylie Jenner and Timothée Chalamet heading to the movies in LA in respirators. What do you think they know that you don't? Or are celebrity lives worth protecting and yours not? California is in a #COVID19 surge--Los Angeles has seen a sixfold increase in COVID in wastewater in the last three months--but your corner of the world may not be far behind.

A thread for my friends and neighbors in #Milwaukee #Wisconsin:

While #COVID19 risks in Milwaukee remain fairly modest, in two weeks, we'll host one of the largest US superspreader events of 2024: The RNC. Around 50,000 conventioneers, media, and protesters will descend on the city, including from places with high COVID viral spread. And these will include the most vehemently anti-vax, least COVID-cautious, highest-risk people in the nation. (1/4)

Content warning: Covid, venting

"You don't need to worry about #COVID19 if you're young and healthy."

Cycling star Sepp Kuss has to drop out of the #TourDeFrance because he has not recovered from "Mild COVID" weeks ago.

Each reinfection comes with additive risks of Long COVID and higher odds of brain, cardiovascular, and other damage. Even for the young and healthy. Even if it's a "mild" infection.

If you have symptoms, stay home. Then test two days later.

“If a person with #COVID19 tests immediately with a rapid test when symptoms emerge, they receive a false negative as much as 92% of the time. Waiting two days after symptoms brings that rate down to 70%… Our symptoms are happening sooner, but it takes longer to reach enough virus in your body for it to be detectable.”

I knew the CDC is no longer tracking Covid cases, but this still seems like an absurd state of affairs. "Most likely increasing"?

"Cases are most likely increasing in 39 states & aren’t declining anywhere in the U.S., according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. ...

"The CDC no longer tracks Covid cases, but it estimates transmission based on emergency department visits."

Also: Zero mention of masks in this article.

#Covid #Covid19 #CovideIsNotOver

"We've Hit Peak Denial. Here's Why We Can't Turn Away From Reality"

Opinion piece asking why we overlook bad things, "especially in this scientific and technological age, when we’ve never been more capable of understanding and addressing them".

#LongCovid #PwLC #postcovid #postcovid19 #Covidlonghaulers #PostCovidSyndrome #longhaulers #PASC #COVIDBrain
@covid19 #Coronavirus
#COVID19 #COVID #SARSCoV2 #novid #CovidIsNotOver


No, really, this is not some conspiracy theory Youtuber reporting this. Reuters broke the story about the Pentagon spreading disinformation about #COVID19 #vaccines. Here's how the world is reacting to the news.

#COVID #Sinovac #China #Disinformation

Glenn Close encouraged her followers to “wear a mask in crowds” after getting hit with #COVID19 and RSV simultaneously. It caused her to delay filming her part in the new Knives Out sequel.

#Pentagon ran secret anti-vax campaign to undermine #China during #pandemic


The clandestine #operation has not been previously reported. It aimed to sow doubt about the safety and efficacy of vaccines and other life-saving aid that was being supplied by China, a Reuters investigation found. Through phony internet accounts meant to impersonate Filipinos, the military’s propaganda efforts morphed into an anti-vax campaign. Social media posts decried the quality of face masks, test kits and the first vaccine that would become available in the #Philippines – China’s Sinovac inoculation.

#news #conspiracy #crime #health #Corona #usa #propaganda #COVID19 #fail #humanRights

Something's afoot with #COVID19 in #Ireland. Hospitalizations were near pandemic lows throughout Spring. But, in just two or three weeks, hospitalizations have exploded to the highest level in almost a year. And, and at the rate it's rising, within days could be at the highest level in 18 months.

There is no sign of #SarsCoV2 mutation rate slowing down.

The march upwards in Immune Escape & ACE2 binding strength continues.

There is no sign #SARS2 is running out of evolutionary space.


#SARS2 #COVID19 #CovidIsNotOver #ForeverCovid

It's like there was a virus that makes you more susceptible to other diseases...

Yes, Everyone Really Is Sick a Lot More Often After Covid
At least 13 communicable diseases are surging past pre-pandemic levels

The post-Covid global surge of illnesses — viral and bacterial, common and historically rare — is a mystery that researchers and scientists are still trying to definitively explain.

#Covid19 #CovidIsNotOver #PublicHealth #WearAMask

> "I just worry we're going to have a generation of kids who have a post-acute infection syndrome because we failed to protect them," Dr Putrino says, "because we told this lie over and over again that kids have nothing to worry about with COVID."

The myth that COVID is 'harmless' for kids has left millions of children with long COVID invisible. Here's what they want you to know via @wallabagapp

#COVID19 #longCovid #CovidIsNotOver #CovidIsAiborne

I'm dumbfounded and enraged.

Airfinity and Bloomberg News have produced an analysis that finds a global surge in infectious diseases since the pandemic. This is EXACTLY what we'd expect from repeated #COVID19 infections that weaken immune systems. Yet, this article cites "three main factors" and NONE OF THEM ARE COVID. In fact, one is immunity debt (without calling it that.)

What in the hell is it going to take for people to see it's the COVID!?

So the Pentagon ran a secret campaign to discredit the Chinese Covid vaccine being provided to the Philippines and other countries, when that was the only vaccine available to them.

This quote stuck with me:
“We weren’t looking at this from a public health perspective,” said a senior military officer involved in the program. “We were looking at how we could drag China through the mud.”

#Covid #Covid19

"... hat einen besseren Schutz gegen andere Erkältungskrankheiten."

NEIN, NEIN und nochmals NEIN!
Dieser Satz suggeriert wieder mal "#Covid ist eine #Erkältungskrankheit".
#Covid19 ist eine #Multisystemerkrankung und nicht mit einem Schnupfen vergleichbar, ganz unabhängig davon ob manche keine schwereren Symptome zeigen als bei einem Schnupfen.

#JournalismusAmLimit #CovidIsNotOver

Laut Angaben von Impfstoffhersteller Moderna dürfte der Kombi-Impfstoff gegen #COVID19 und #Influenza gegen beide Infektionen eine gute Wirksamkeit liefern, vergleichbar mit zwei separaten #impfungen. Eine Markteinführung wird es frühestens 2025 geben, eher 2026.

🇪🇸Spain: Thousands of Taylor Swift concertgoers in Madrid have come down with COVID-19 after Eras Tour.

"One specific X account, known for being a hub for Spanish Swifties, took a poll of their followers, asking if they had become sick with COVID-19 after one of Swift's concerts in Madrid. Of the 10,796 people who answered the poll online, 35%, or 3,780 of the concertgoers said they had."

#COVID19 #Spain #TaylorSwift @auscovid19


We did it! We hit the audiobook stretch goal and have the budget to make it! And a superstar voice actor!

NEW REWARDS UNLOCKED! Now you can pre-order the audiobook *or* an ebook + audiobook bundle!


#Covid #Covid19 #Maskup #LongCovid

I should appreciate an article on the risks of #COVID19, but honestly, this is annoying. An Olympic hopeful has gotten COVID FOUR TIMES with considerable neurological problems. Did she learn to be safer? Of course f'ing not! “I do fear it [catching Covid] a little bit, happening before the Games. But I also have this underlying belief now that no matter what happens, I can find a way to make it work with a less than 100% body. So it's given me a weird confidence.” 🙄

Great interview:

I should point out that there are, in fact, places that have installed all of these: fresh air, filtering, and germicidal UV lights. Do you know where they are?


PA: The White House, Congress, Number 10 Downing, Parliament, the Reichstag, and WHO. All of our leaders have these protections and procedures in place.

But not our schoolchildren.

The school where former CDC director Rochelle Walensky’s children go, they have these upgrades. #COVID19

STUDY of Long #COVID19 in US:

- One of every 15 adults has or had Long COVID.
- 69% more common in women than men.
- Not significantly correlated with household income.
- More common in adults 35 to 64 than in younger or older cohorts.
- Almost 50% more common in the unvaccinated and unboosted than those who got a vaccine booster.

“We are completely under-investigating this virus. The effects of repeatedly getting this throughout our lives is going to be much more significant than people are thinking.”

Doctors are growing concerned #COVID19 can increase risks of cancer. Of course, if you've been following my posts, you'd already know dozens of studies show COVID-19 can cause changes that COULD decrease our body's defenses against cancer. (1/2)


Some months ago I noted Taylor Swift took precautions while on tour, such as avoiding fan interactions, so she could avoid #COVID19. Meanwhile, she's fine if fans crowd pack together screaming and singing in her audiences. I got a crap from Swifties. (BTW, I'm a fan, too.)

NEWS: Taylor Swift spreads Covid: thousand of fans fall ill after Madrid and Paris concerts

Fans can make their own decisions, but it seems like some people are worth protecting and others not.

Hospitals are killing patients because they don't feel like doing infection control

Unfortunately, true. #COVID19

Second STUDY today on #COVID19 and men's reproductive health:

"Serum levels of sex hormones (testosterone, FSH, and prolactin) in the COVID-19 group were significantly decreased compared to the healthy group. Microscopic examination of semen revealed significant differences in vitality, progressive, and motile parameters among the three groups, with a decrease observed in the COVID-19 group."

Trial results for longer-lasting Covid vaccines & more news - Next Generation Update 17.

3 sets of trial results: 1 is the first full report of a pancoronavirus vaccine, and it did pretty well, giving developers lots to go on for this ambitious type of vaccine.

18 new preclinical study reports - including another 2 showing intranasal vaccination reduced transmission among animals sharing the same air.


#Vaccines #Covid #Covid19