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Items tagged with: Dev

The new and improved Settings section for Kitten (Small Web/peer-to-peer web) apps is coming along nicely.

Should be live this week.

#Kitten #SmallWeb #Settings #SmallTech #p2p #peerToPeer #web #dev

Here’s a niche gotcha with the clipboard API’s `navigator.clipboard.writeText()` method that’s unique to Safari:

If you access a function from a module within your gesture handler (e.g., click handler), you will get a permission error.

The (sadly hacky and not as robust) workaround is to set a global variable from your module instead.

Full gist:

#Safari #clipboardAPI #JavaScript #ESModules #web #dev #gist

The Evergreen Web section in Kitten’s¹ settings now has its own page too (and uses Kitten’s new Streaming HTML² workflow).

If you have the previous version of your site up somewhere, you can use the 404-to-307 technique³ to forward missing pages to your old site so as not to break the Web.

I’ll add local static archive support later.


#Kitten #SmallWeb #EvergreenWeb #StreamingHTML #web #dev #NodeJS #JavaScript

Lots to do yet but the new Kitten¹ settings section (that’s common to all Kitten apps / Small Web places) is coming along nicely. (With the general style/layout borrowed from Domain².)

(It’s currently a single page and I’m breaking it up into multiple ones because it’s time.)

Once I’m done with this I should really record a screencast of Kitten’s new backup and restore feature/data portability.


#SmallWeb #Kitten #Domain #SmallTech #web #dev

:kitten: Meow! New Kitten just dropped:

• Uploads are now listed in the Small Web Place Settings (/💕/settings) of all Kitten apps.

#Kitten #SmallWeb #SmallTech #uploads #settings #web #dev

… JSDB, by the way, is short for JavaScript Database, which is, umm, a JavaScript database.

It’s an in-process, in-memory database for Node.js for Small Web use that persists to an append-only JavaScript – not JSON, JavaScript – transaction log.

JSDB’s very easy to work with because you just use native JavaScript objects and they just automatically get persisted for you.

e.g., Here’s a quick 6-line Kitten app that persists a counter:

#JSDB #Kitten #SmallWeb #web #dev

Just published a minor update (version 5.1.1) to JavaScript Database (JSDB) that optimises the custom data type¹ serialisation code by removing a redundant return statement:

This change is backwards compatible and shouldn’t require and updates to your projects, including the ones you have in Kitten (which uses JSDB internally).


#JavaScriptDatabase #JavaScript #database #JSDB #Kitten #SmallWeb #NodeJS #web #dev

Just deployed a new Kitten¹ version 🎉

• Adds database backup and restore in your app’s Kitten settings page (/💕/settings)

• Upgrades version of JSDB from 4 to 5²

• You can emit and listen for events on the session object you get from `request.session` in your routes now.

² For migration notes, please see:

#Kitten #backupAndRestore #JavaScript #NodeJS #database #JSDB #sessions #SmallWeb #web #dev

Watching The Doors live at The Hollywood Bowl (1968)¹ and hacking on Kitten² and Domain³.

All in all, not a bad way to spend a Saturday afternoon in my book.

(I’ve almost got database backup/restore working in Kitten and I’ve just finished porting Domain to the latest Kitten with JSDB 5⁴.)


#TheDoors #Kitten #Domain #JSDB #SmallWeb #web #dev #music

Mike Conley is a Firefox developer and creator of the long-running video series "The Joy of Coding". You can follow the videos at:


If the videos haven't federated to your server yet, you can browse them all at

You can also follow Conley's general account at

#FeaturedPeerTube #Programming #Coding #Dev #SoftwareDevelopment #Developers #Firefox #Mozilla #PeerTube #PeerTubers

JSDB 5.1.0 published¹ 🎉

• Forgetting to pass a custom class that’s persisted in your database in your `` call now throws instead of corrupting your database by falling back to using an untyped object.

• Added JSDF ver. 2 to 3 database migration script (i.e., JSDB version 2-4 to 5)²

To install update:

npm install @small-tech/jsdb@5.1.0



#JavaScriptDatabase #JavaScript #database JSDB #JSDB5 #NodeJS #SmallTech #SmallWeb #web #dev

JSDB 5.0.1 published 🎉

• Fixes #14: Crash if DataProxy getHandler() called on object with null prototype. (

To install update:

npm install @small-tech/jsdb@5.0.1

Learn more about JSDB:

#JavaScriptDatabase #JavaScript #database JSDB #JSDB5 #NodeJS #SmallTech #SmallWeb #web #dev

Just wrote a note about a little gotcha with default values for destructured properties of parameter objects in JavaScript that has gotten me a few times:

#JavaScript #destructuring #defaults #parameterObjects #web #dev

This is a very neat trick to unset max-height when an HTML element with resize='vertical' set in CSS is resized. So you can have elements initially displayed with a max-height but then resized beyond it:

(Should work as is for resize='block' and with the selector tweaked to use "width" for horizontal/inline.)

#web #dev #tip #CSS #resize #maxHeight

Little web dev tip: if you have just one address field in your HTML form (e.g., a textarea) but you still want the person filling it in to avail themselves of autocomplete, here’s a little reusable snippet you can use to achieve that:

(Ideally the web spec should be extended to include a full-address value for the autocomplete attribute.)

#HTML #autocomplete #JavaScript #address #web #dev #tip #code

This is a niche one and will likely not affect any of the (three?) people playing with Kitten¹ right now but, in any case:

If you persist custom types to your Kitten database, you might be hit by this bug that was introduced when I released versions of Kitten with minified identifiers.

I briefly wrote about what happened, how you can identify if you’re affected, and how you can fix it here:


#SmallWeb #Kitten #web #dev #JSDB #JavaScript

(If you’re wondering why the repository was 176MB to begin with, it’s because I was initially deploying from the /dist folder in the repository. But since then I created a special deployment site for Kitten and now Kittens come from, well, where else but

:kitten: 💕

PS. It takes me ~3.5 seconds to build and deploy a new version of Kitten so its common for there to be multiple new versions in a day. Run `kitten update` to get the latest.

#SmallWeb #Kitten #web #dev

If you’re working on Kitten¹ from source, please clone a fresh copy.

I just rewrote history to reduce the repository size (correctly this time, including all references from branches, tags, etc.).

The good news is that – contrary to what the Codeberg interface is currently showing the size to be (176MB) – the repository is only about 5MB now so it should only take a couple of seconds to clone.

Related issue:

:kitten: 💕


#Kitten #dev #git