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Items tagged with: Netanyahu

"For example in this situation, if we abandon Israel that could result in making that region into a new Iranian radical Islamist caliphate with strong ties to Moscow."

I agree. I don't think that going along with #Netanyahu's extremist policies in Gaza is necessary to prevent this, though.

#Israel is part of the West. As is #Hungary. Rogue leaders must be removed without "dumping" their countries.


#Netanyahu has for decades been a grand master of letting US presidents look like school boys

Don't leave out AIPAC, which has dominated both American political parties. AIPAC courts the GOP but let's not forget that a former Dem party chair was Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, foursquare in support of the Zionist project.


...than courage, than genius itself: it is the idea whose time has come.”

The implicit idea that the suffering of the Holocaust justifies any deed of self-defense is obsolete.

The tides of (the decades old) propaganda) war have shifted. Every day counts.
#Netanyahu must be removed ASAP.


...deems to be limitless. It is not. It is approaching bankruptcy with every day that the war drags on.
That Hamas has agreed to the terms of a #ceasefire only accelerates its exhaustion.
#Netanyahu seems to have forgotten that this year is a super-election year globally. Governments around the globe will not be able to ignore the students' demands, rightful or not.

French novelist Émile Souvestre wrote in 1848: “There is something more powerful than strength,..

I'm neither for against Israel.

However, the end never justifies the means. Over 30k civilian deaths are too many.
I did not live during the Vietnam War, but the currently globally spreading student protests clearly show that the #Netanyahu Regime has clearly abjectly lost the propaganda war for the minds and hearts of the global public.
Every day doesn't only cost innocent civilian lives in Gaza and Israel, but the remainder of any moral "Holocaust credit" that the Regime...


...liberties, the final collapse and partitioning of the Russian Federation, and statehood and a safe heaven for Jews for Israel, as well as a Superpower guarantor of its security . I'd say with regard to discrimination and persecution Jews have already been set back globally since October, 2023.
Probably the most lasting achievement of #Netanyahu.



...also the perpetrators of #WarCrimes in the #Netanyahu Regime and the #IDF.

There cannot be double legal and moral standards, ..."with liberty and Justice for all.”

As a sidenote:

History will judge whether the current presiden of Russia or Israel or the former president of the US, #TFG, will have caused the most lasting damage to their respective countries in the long run.

What is at stake for the USA is nothing less than Democracy and individual...

A contrarian perspective

...however, this does not discredit all of his arguments.

The #Palestinians or their forbears did not commit the #Holocaust atrocities. This was done by the #fascist and communist regimes of Europe. They should have equal right like the Jews.

As long as this great injustice has not been remedied, war-mongers like the #Mullah Regime and the #Netanyahu Regime will always have ample possibilities to rekindle the embers. Al of...

A contrarian perspective

...states a real semblance of justified grievance. This must STOP.
President Biden was right to halt the delivery of offensive weapons to #Israel.
This can be but a first step.
#Netanyahu has for decades been a grand master of letting US presidents look like school boys when informing them, often after the fact, of aggressive actions against its neighbors or #Palestinians. This must STOP. If Israel wants to be an equal nation,...

President #Biden said for the first time Wednesday he would halt shipments of American weapons to #Israel – which he acknowledged have been used to kill civilians in #Gaza – if Prime Minister Benjamin #Netanyahu orders a major invasion of the city of Rafah.

“I lost 31 relatives to Israeli attacks in Gaza. But I blame Hamas too”

This article should be required reading for all of you dopes who STILL condemn #israel without recognizing the violent history of #hamas and how much they - like #netanyahu - have not only prevented #peace but willingly sacrificed tens of thousands of their own citizens’ lives.

#Palestinian lives matter. #israeli lives matter. Peace matters.

Learn your history.

Noting that Trump and Netanyahu are cut from the same strongman authoritarian cloth, Robert Reich says,

"If Trump continues to badmouth witnesses and jurors, Merchan should jail him. If Netanyahu orders an invasion of Rafah, Biden should cut off all military aid to Israel.

It’s time to stop coddling these authoritarians."

#Trump #Netanyahu #Bibi #authoritarianism #strongman

Macklemore has released a song, "Hind's Hall", in support of the people of Palestine and the student protests around the world against the genocide in Gaza being conducted by Benjamin Netanyahu's government.

Macklemore is putting his money where is mouth is, and donating all earnings from the song to Palestinian relief.

Link to "Hind's Hall" on :birdsite:

More info:

#Macklemore #HindsHall #Palestine #Genocide #Gaza #Israel #Netanyahu

(Nitter addon enabled: Twitter links via


"In letter seen by handful of people, PM urges Doha to deliver $30 million to Gaza monthly, claiming funding Hamas would preserve regional stability and avert humanitarian crisis"

The US must have known about this, definitely.

It shows you the malice, the constant lying of both Israel and its poodle the US.

#Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin #Netanyahu says that the operations of Qatar-based news network Al Jazeera will be closed in the country.

Content warning: Right wing Israel ministers demand continuing war until final victory

#Zionismus #Israel #Gazakrieg


...Konflikt so lange weitergehen, wie #Netanyahu an der Macht bleibt.


#Zionismus #Israel #Gazakrieg


...vom #Mullah-Regime im #Iran, ist #Netanyahu--gemessen an seinen Taten--wohl der größte Feind #Israels und des #jüdischen Volkes. Er weiss genau, dass eine Fortsetzung oder gar Ausweitung des Krieges nur im selbst und bestenfalls dem Machterjalt der Regierungskoalition dient. Wenn der Krieg endet wird er angeklagt werden--sowohl national als auch international. Und deshalb wird der

#Zionismus #Israel #Gazakrieg


...Normalität der Staaten angekommen. Es wird sich an sofort mit den für alle gültigen Maßstäben messen lassen müssen.

Kritik am #Netanyahu-Regime ist *kein* #Antisemitismus!--Dies zeigt sich schon allein an der Tatsache dass eine Vielzahl v.a. im Ausland lebender Juden sich immer stärker vom Handeln des Regimens distanzieren.
Bedauerlicherweise bedient sich #Netanjahu des...

#Netanyahu Resists U.S. Plan to Bring Sanctions Against Israeli #Military Unit

After months of inaction, Secretary of State Antony #Blinken is poised to bar U.S. aid to an #Israeli unit accused of human rights abuses.

#News #Israel #Gaza #War #Palestine #HumanRights #Law

A source in Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin #Netanyahu's office declined to comment on the reported strike in #Iran.

The #IDF spokesman’s office did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

#Israel #Hamas #war #geopolitics #MiddleEast #UnitedStates #GlobalSecurity