Items tagged with: VSTI3
Xenia Synth Plugin by The Usual Suspects x86 x64 VSTI VSTI3 AU CLAP LV2 Windows MacOS Linux free…
#AU #CLAP #LV2 #vsti #VSTI3 #Analog #AU #CLAP #DAW #dsp56300 #Emulation #free #Hardware #Linux #LV2 #MacOS #other #Synth #Synthesizer #TheUsualSuspects #VirtualAnalog #VSTI #VSTI3 #Waldorf #Wavetable #Windows #x64 #x86
Morphoice Unstable (Yamaha CS-80 Analog Synthesizer) v1.0.9a VSTI3 AU WiN MAC
#AU #VSTI3 #2025 #Analog #AppleSilicon #arpeggiator #AU #chorus #Controller #CS80 #delay #distortion #drive #effect #Effects #envelope #filter #free #guitar #harmonic #Imagine #Juno #loudness #MacOS #Mix #Modulation #moog #Morphoice #mp3 #music #Pitch #reverb #Speed #step #subtractive #synt
Decent Samples Decent Sampler Plugin v1.12.6 x64 x86 VSTI VSTI3 AU AAX STANDALONE LiNUX WiN MAC
#AUv3 #IOS #Standalone #VSTIVSTI3AUAAX #AAX #AMP #AU #AUV3 #Decent #DecentSamples #free #Intel #IOS #Linux #M1 #MacOS #Network #Play #player #SamplePlayer #sampler #Samples #Standalone #Ubuntu #VSTI #VSTI3 #Windows #x64 #x86
DamRsn NeuralNote (Audio To MiDi) v1.1.0 VSTI3 AU STANDALONE LiNUX Windows MacOS
#AU #Standalone #VSTI3 #aiff #AU #DamRsn #DAW #Digital #Export #flac #free #GitHub #JUCE #Linux #MacOS #MIDI #mp3 #Mute #ogg #Piano #Pitch #Play #polyphonic #Recording #Simple #Standalone #Time #Update #Voice #VST3 #VSTI3 #wav #Windows