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Items tagged with: biodiversity

I visited a regenerative farm this week. Seeing a field of cowslips again took me back in time. They were once common place, now seeing them feels extraordinary.

A mix of 17 green manures in a mob grazed herbal ley is the way to boost soil biodiversity and provide nutrition for the cash crops to follow. They have dung beetles back again on their land. #RegenerativeAgriculture #ClimateDiary #RegenAg #SoilBiology #Biodiversity

It is one thing to take inspiration from ancient religious texts.

It is a completely different thing to take them literally.

If the authors of those texts had known what we know today about physics, cosmology and evolution their messaging would likely have been quite different.

We live on a rare, small planet in the habitable zone of a stable star.

We are part of nature and have an extended family of millions of species.

All we need to do, is fit in.

#sustainability #religion #spirituality #politics #Justice #biodiversity #Nature #climatechange

“We live in one of the most nature-depleted countries in the world. Every few years we publish something called a ‘state of nature’ report and every few years the news is even worse.

"The problem isn’t that we’re losing nature very rapidly, but we have the capacity to stop that. We’ve got all the tools at our disposal to recover and to restore, reinstate, reintroduce nature but we’re just not getting on with it enough, rapidly enough and broadly enough and if we did we could make a difference."

#ChrisPackham #Nature #Biodiversity #StateOfNature #FuneralForNature

Too hot for a lizard? Climate change quickens the pace of extinction.

The loss of plant and animal species on Earth is happening at a speed never seen in human history, according to the United Nations. #ClimateChange #Biodiversity #Climate #Environment