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Items tagged with: climatediary

#ClimateDiary How dystopian is this.

Saudi authorities have permitted the use of lethal force to clear land for a futuristic desert city being built by dozens of Western companies, an ex-intelligence officer has told the BBC.

Great, another source of emissions that has been underestimated.

The US obviously tops the charts, but other notable mentions are China, Australia and Norway.

Direct link to study:

#ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #ClimateDiary #climate #aviation #USA #China #Australia #Norway

#ClimateDiary Watching this made me think yet again about #ClimateJustice or rather, the profound iINJUSTICE of climate change: how the poorest - Rikshah drivers, street hawkers, labourers - suffer the most, without any accees to #AirCon, outside all day, yet contribute nothing to #ClimateChange. The impacts are so hnequal, so unfair, in micro as well as macro ways, it makes you want to screem. #Heatwave #Asia #India #Odisha

#ClimateDiary These are the kinds of calculations the poorest have to make in the #Heatwave

"If we are going to take a bath in the creek, we have to go far away from the camp," she said.

"It's not a walkable distance under this temperature. If we go by motorcycle, it's not worth it because of the cost of fuel. If we save money for fuel, we may as well use it to buy water."


'“It’s fucking awful,” the softly spoken scientist says, emerging from the ocean. “They said the bleaching was extensive and uniform. They didn’t say it was extensive, uniform and fucking awful.

“It’s a graveyard out there.”

#climatechange #climatediary

I visited a regenerative farm this week. Seeing a field of cowslips again took me back in time. They were once common place, now seeing them feels extraordinary.

A mix of 17 green manures in a mob grazed herbal ley is the way to boost soil biodiversity and provide nutrition for the cash crops to follow. They have dung beetles back again on their land. #RegenerativeAgriculture #ClimateDiary #RegenAg #SoilBiology #Biodiversity


Scotland to ditch key climate change target

What’s with all this ditching of climate targets at the moment? It’s positively trendy! Meanwhile Dubai flooding, Arctic permafrost officially becoming a source of greenhouse gases, etc etc etc

[*EDIT: I shouldn’t have shared this and headline uncritically and thrown SNP together with everyone else “ditching”. Reasons are more complicated - Westminster related - in Scotland. See replies].
