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Items tagged with: family

Today (23 April) England will be celebrating St. Georges Day.

A rather dubious character in history. I'm more a follower of St Edmund a King of East Anglia known as Edmund the Martyr - at least he was English - Unlike George.

The true celebration on the 23 April should be William Shakespeare who enriched the nation.

He was born on 23 April 1564 and died on 23 April 1616 - yes, his Birthday!


#history #Saints #education
#actors #writers #family #england

"The modern #GOP is supposed to be pro-family, pro-tax-cuts and anti-“waste, fraud and abuse.” So why are #Republican #senators trying to tank a bill that is all three?

In January, lawmakers hammered out a kids-and-companies #tax deal: #Congress would extend a few business tax breaks that had recently expired in exchange for expanding the #ChildTaxCredit. The bipartisan compromise turned out to be a very good bill"

#US #Politics #Taxes #Family #USPolitics #USA #News

"Today, #Republican senators are trying to kill the legislation...

Some worry about handing President #Biden a win so close to the #election (I’d argue the 400,000 kids lifted out of poverty would be the real winners, but to each their own.)

Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) said this explicitly in January: “Passing a #tax bill that makes the president look good... means he could be reelected.”

#GOP #Corruption #Politics #Family #Children #USA #News

Protecting your #privacy online can be tricky, but getting your #friends and #family on-board is even tougher.

Stay loud and let's keep making the internet a better place!