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Items tagged with: megalodon

Gonna be quite honest. I'm VERY annoyed right now that I bought a new tablet and I can't use Megalodon or Moshidon because they don't see my instance as a "mastodon instance" even though it most definitely is....😑😳

If anyone has any ideas if theres a way to fix this on my end, please let me know. Cause this is quite depressing...I bought this tablet so I'd have something bigger for Fedi, but there's nothing quite like Megalodon/Moshidon....🤦‍♂️

Edit: It was a "me" issue. I changed values in my instances settings I should not have changed and it caused this error. I have reverted the values to something normal and I was able to login.

#Fedi #Fediverse #Megalodon #Moshidon #Android #Mastodon #MastoAdmin