Items tagged with: trust
Who invented #fake #news as hybrid #warfare in modern times?
The #truth rarely make sense if you leave out critical details or fabricate them. What's more, your enemy can copy your strategy at any time and is probably even better at it. Do you trust your government?
#politics #propaganda #fail #lie #media #news #quote #wisdom #Problem #troll #internet #history #future #Trust #government #war #terror #military #strategy
This applies to 99% of companies:
#GDPR "forget me" request sent.
#DPO looks at it, tells IT guys to run the deletion
IT guys couldn't care less, wait a couple hours, go buy beers, get back and send ok email to DPO
DPO mails you "we've deleted your data"
The problem lies in #trust. And lies create a trust problem.