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Items tagged with: xz

The #XZ #backdoor provide critical lessons about #opensource #security. 🛡️ Here's a brief rundown of our response at #openSUSE. We're also likely to have some sessions at this year's @opensuse Conference.

"You have to understand, we’re responsible for taxpayer money here. We can’t just make a donation to your open source project."

— a national government who relies on #Matrix when being asked to support it financially

Read more about the problem and some initiatives that are responding to it:

#FreeSoftware #OpenSource #FOSS #FLOSS #funding #xz #sustainability

Lasse Collin has posted an update on his plans for #xz and clearing up what happened: I hope he’s met with all the support and patience he needs.

Unpopular opinion: If your hobby is responsible for running the modern world, you deserve to be paid a living wage for running it.

#xz #expat #libexpat

In the light of the #xz backdoor, if you're a #RustLang developer, I recommend you familiarize yourself with cargo vet:

Auditing your dependencies, or relying on external audits, adds an important layer of protection.

It's not a silver bullet against bad dependencies as there's no such thing. However adding more layers of protection makes attackers' lives harder and this is one of them.

#XZ #Backdoor: Times, damned times, and scams

However, I believe that he is actually from somewhere in the UTC+02 (winter)/UTC+03 (DST) timezone, which includes Eastern Europe (EET), but also Israel (IST), and some others. Forging time zones would be easy — no need to do any math or delay any commits. He likely just changed his system time to Chinese time every time he committed.


#security #software #time #news #hack #linux #timezone

STORY: The XZ backdoor has rocked the security industry over the last few days. Took a look, with @agreenberg at what we know about the mysterious persona, Jia Tan, behind the attack

Full WIRED story here:

#xz #opensource #wired #cyber #news

I think the #xz incident is teaching us that our infrastructure is dangerously fragile in the face of well-organized/funded attackers. The response isn’t “try harder” or “donate to your OSS project”, it needs to be institutional, professional, and at scale.

So, here’s my proposal, called “OSQI”, aimed at starting a how-to discussion:


Wir sind dieses Wochenende nur durch unglaubliches Glück und extrem knapp an wohl einer der grössten Katastrophen rund um die globale IT-Sicherheit vorbeigeschrammt.

Phuh! Doch — was ist eigentlich passiert? Wie konnte das überhaupt geschehen? Und was können (und müssen) wir tun, um dies zukünftig zu vermeiden?

Und: Danke an die ganzen IT-Helden, die dies an diesem langen Wochenende für uns getan haben.
#xz #lzma #ssh

#ssh #xz #lzma

Wir sind dieses Osterwochenende knapp an der grössten Katastrophe rund um die globale IT-Sicherheit vorbeigeschrammt.

Alles rund um #xz spannend und witzig erklärt von @marcel UND: was ssh+Backdoor+supply chain attack ist.

Nehmt euch Zeit für diesen tollen Text:

Nice! @amlw wrote a PoC exploit and a honeypot for the xz backdoor.

#xz #liblzma #cve20243094 #infosec