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In the face of new Democratic momentum, [#crybaby] #Trump has grown increasingly upset about #KamalaHarris’s surging poll numbers & #media coverage since replacing #Biden on the ticket, complaining relentlessly & asking friends about how his campaign is performing, acc/to 5 people close to the campaign….

“It’s unfair that I beat him & now I have to beat her, too,” Trump told an ally in a phone call last weekend. [um, you never “beat” Biden, dummy.]


in reply to Nonilex

…He has grown annoyed w/the media focus on his campaign staff, suggesting to others that his advisers get too much credit.

…Democrats & some in Trump’s orbit have tried to highlight social media posts from #Trump advisers & allies that they say show #fear or bad messaging, while trying to stoke division in other ways. The #Harris campaign has circulated posts & news releases about his staff, the pick of Sen #JDVance as his running mate, #CrowdSize & other topics they say will grate on Trump….
in reply to Nonilex

…#Trump has begun asking friends & allies how his campaign staff is doing — a question that some say could lead to staff changes, though Trump has not said he is planning that & has expressed support for campaign aides in recent days, a person close to him said. He has asked why #Harris is raising so much more money than him…. Trump has also repeatedly raised the large #crowds that Harris is getting compared w/ Biden….

#whiner #loser #chicken #AttentionWhore

in reply to Nonilex

So far #Trump’s “press event” is him using the cameras to deliver a nationally broadcast stump speech.

Unsurprisingly, he’s spouting #lies. Bunch of #isolationist, #nationalist, #racist crap.

Also completely fabricating an impending 1929 #economy.

Saying #KamalaHarris is “100% the border czar” - false.

Claiming he prefers running against #Harris to Biden.

All backwards looking “blah blah blah wouldn’t have happened” & “blah blah blah wouldn’t have happened” if he was president.

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in reply to Nonilex

& “blah blah blah wouldn’t have happened” if he was president.

Totally lying about agreed upon debates arranged by networks.

Now #Trump is repeatedly calling #Harris “nasty”

Now he’s actually arguing for Biden. Saying “they took away the presidency from Biden” - oh so now #Biden is #POTUS?

“for a country with a #constitution that we cherish” - um I thought you wanted to “terminate the constitution”

in reply to Nonilex

#Media “#news” outlets need to cut their cameras.

This isn’t news.

Now #Trump is bitching about his various #criminal cases.

BTWs, #FactCheck: #KamalaHarris did in fact pass her “law exam.” Though. I’m not even sure what he’s talking about here. There are hundreds of exams in #law school. If he means the Bar exam, he’s wrong about that too, she passed on her 2nd attempt. Tons of lawyers need to try SEVERAL times. I can’t imagine how many times it took Trump’s #lawyers.

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in reply to Nonilex

Other than #lies, all #Trump is doing is relitigating history & his #crimes, spouting #racist nonsense & flattering other #WhiteSupremacists, accusing the media of fake-news regarding the size of his “crowds”, he’s just #insulting & name-calling various Democrats & perceived enemies.

Oh & yeah praising world #dictators & #UnitedStates adversaries.

in reply to Nonilex

Okay now #Trump is repeating the TOTALLY FALSE #lie that Democrats want #abortion right up until birth & “even after” — that is full on #disinformation. He is a #liar. This has been #debunked over & over. Ridiculous to allow this to be aired.
in reply to Nonilex

FINALLY #MSNBC cuts away “after an hour” to #FactCheck #Trump.

Thankfully they started with “people DID DIE on #Jan6

in reply to Nonilex

Another #FactCheck of the #Trump “press event”

#Trump claimed that “everybody’s going to be forced to buy an electric car” if #Democrats win the 2024 election.

False. President Joe Biden has not mandated that everyone will be forced to buy an #EV, nor has he outlawed cars powered by gasoline. Biden’s admin has finalized #regulations pushing automakers & incentives for consumers to move toward #ElectricVehicles, as well as more efficient gas-powered #hybrids.


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in reply to Nonilex


#Trump claimed that the US wouldn’t have experienced “any #inflation” had it not been for “bad #energy problems” during the #Biden admin.


He appeared to be referencing the spike in gas prices that occurred after #Russia invaded #Ukraine in Feb 2022. That contributed to inflation at the time, but it was trending higher before then as a result of pent-up #demand from the #pandemic & #labor shortages.


in reply to Nonilex


#Trump claimed “migrants” are being deliberately sent “from prisons, from jails, from mental institutions, insane asylums”


There is NO evidence for Trump’s claim.

Last year, Trump’s campaign was unable to provide any evidence for his even narrower claim at the time that South American countries in particular were emptying their mental health facilities to somehow dump patients upon the US.


in reply to Nonilex

In fact, “Representatives for 2 #AntiImmigration organizations told CNN at the time they had not heard of anything that would corroborate #Trump’s story, as did 3 experts at organizations favorable toward #immigration. CNN’s own search did not produce any evidence. The website also found nothing.”

via CNN’s Daniel Dale
#FactCheck #TrumpLies

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in reply to Nonilex


#Trump repeated his claim that MVP #KamalaHarris acted as a #BorderCzar during the Biden admin & that “essentially, she never went to the border” during her time as VP.


1. Harris did go to the border as VP, in Texas in mid-2021; many Republicans had criticized Harris prior to the visit for not having gone, & some later argued that she didn’t go frequently enough, but the recurring claim that she “never went” has not been true for >3 yrs.


in reply to Nonilex

2. #Harris was never made #Biden’s #BorderCzar, a label the WH has always emphasized is inaccurate. In reality, Biden gave Harris a more limited #immigration-related assignment in 2021, asking her to lead diplomacy w/ ElSalvador, Guatemala & Honduras in an attempt to address the conditions that prompted their citizens to try to migrate to the US.

#FactCheck #TrumpLies

in reply to Nonilex


#Trump claimed no one died #Jan6


Ashli Babbitt, an Air Force vet, was fatally shot by a US Capitol Police employee as #insurgents violently tried to force their way toward the House Chamber.

3 other people died of “medical emergencies” during the riot.


in reply to Nonilex


Capitol Police officer #BrianSicknick, who was attacked w/pepper spray & battled the #violent #Trump supporters during the #insurrection, died after suffering strokes the next day; the ME found that Sicknick died of “natural causes”, but told WaPo that “all that transpired played a role in his condition.”

4 other police officers who defended the Capitol on #Jan6 subsequently died by suicide after the trauma of the attack.

in reply to Nonilex


#Trump tried to claim he hasn’t called to “lock up” #HillaryClinton.

He claimed said that while his supporters “used to say, ‘lock her up, lock her up,’” he wouldn’t echo those calls & instead “would say just, ‘relax, please.’”

Outrageously he went further, saying, “I was very protective of (Clinton). Nobody would understand that, but I was. I think my people understand it. They used to say, ‘lock her up, lock her up,’ but I would say just, ‘relax, please.”


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in reply to Nonilex


Trump has used those exact words & similar language on other occasions.

“For what she’s done, they should lock her up,” Trump said after the crowd chanted “lock her up” at an Oct 2016 rally in NC.

“‘Lock her up’ is right,” he said at an Oct 2016 rally in PA.

Trump has also explicitly called for Clinton’s imprisonment using different phrasing.

#FactCheck #TrumpLies

in reply to Nonilex

“#HillaryClinton has to go to jail, OK? She has to go to jail,” #Trump said in a June 2016 speech in CA. “She has to go to jail,” he repeated in an Oct 2016 speech in FL. At a presidential debate in Oct 2016, after Clinton said, “It’s just awfully good that someone w/the temperament of Donald Trump is not in charge of the law in our country,” Trump responded, “Because you’d be in jail.”

#FactCheck #TrumpLies

in reply to Nonilex

In his 2020 campaign for reelection, though, #Trump again made calls to “lock her up.”

“You should lock her up, I’ll tell you,” he said at a January 2020 rally in Ohio. At an October 2020 rally in Georgia, after the crowd chanted “lock them up” in relation to the #Biden family, Trump said, “You should lock them up. Lock up the Bidens. Lock up Hillary.”

#FactCheck #TrumpLies

in reply to Nonilex


#Trump once again claimed that he signed the largest tax cut in history during his presidency.

“Our tax cuts, which are the biggest in history, our tax cuts are coming due as you know very soon.”


Trump’s 2017 #TaxCuts & Jobs Act was not the largest in history, either in percentage of #GDP or #inflation-adjusted dollars.

Moreover, his “tax cuts” reduced #CORPORATE & only the individual income tax rates for the #wealthy.


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in reply to Nonilex

If you want to discuss “size” irregardless of who benefited from the tax cuts, he is still lying.

2 other tax cut bills have been “bigger” – former President Ronald #Reagan’s 1981 package & legislation signed by former President Barack #Obama that extended earlier tax cuts enacted during former President #GeorgeWBush’s admin.

#FactCheck #TrumpLies

in reply to Nonilex


#Trump, talking about #Jan6 - bc the most important thing about that day was crowd size:

“If you look at Martin Luther King, when he did his speech, his great speech & you look at ours, same real estate, same everything, same number of people. If not, we had more,” referencing the Rev Dr Martin Luther King Jr’s 1963 March on Washington “I Have a Dream” speech.


MLK’s speech drew an estimated 250k people.
Jan 6 investigators estimated that Trump’s speech drew 53k.


in reply to Nonilex


#Trump: “She wants to take away your guns.”


MVP #KamalaHarris, in 2019, said she supports a gun buyback program for #AssaultWeapons, not all #guns. Her campaign recently said that she no longer supports a buyback program.

Her running mate, Gov #TimWalz, is a gun owner & a hunter.

When #Walz signed 2023 MN gun law he said, "This is NOT about the #SecondAmendment, This is about the #safety & #security of our communities. That's what's happening here today."


in reply to Nonilex


#Trump: “They take the strategic national reserves. They’re virtually empty now. We have never had it this low.”

This is half exaggeration, half lie.

Pres Biden has tapped the Strategic Petroleum Reserve to try to lower gasoline prices, drawing it down by about 40% from when he took office, & it is currently at the lowest level since the 1980s. But it still has 375M barrels in it now, which is not at all “virtually empty” & is DEFINITELY NOT at the lowest level ever.


in reply to Nonilex


#Trump: “The vast majority of the country does support me.”


Trump NEVER won a majority of the popular vote in either of the elections he ran in & NEVER had the approval of a majority of Americans in a single day of Gallup polling during his presidency.

An average of polls by shows that currently he is viewed favorably by just 43% of American respondents today & has about the same level of support in a matchup against MVP #KamalaHarris.


in reply to Nonilex


#Trump: “We should have paper ballots, we should have voter ID & we should have proof of citizenship.”

He is again implying that #undocumented #immigrants are #voting.


Every single federal election voter, in every state, in every district is required to be a #citizen of the #UnitedStates.

It is the #law

The Illegal Immigration Reform & Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996, explicitly prohibits noncitizens from voting in federal elections


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in reply to Nonilex


#Trump: “They’re going to destroy Social Security.”


Pres #Biden & MVP #KamalaHarris have pledged not to make ANY cuts to America’s #social safety net programs.

Trump on the other hand suggested this year that he was open to scaling back the programs. He said, “there’s a lot you can do in terms of entitlements in terms of cutting”
He later tried to walk back those comments.

It has LONG been a goal of the GOP to get rid of social security.


reshared this

in reply to Nonilex


Trump claimed (again) that his #criminal trial in NY was controlled by the #DOJ.


One prosecutor who worked on the case, in which Trump was #convicted by a #JURY of 34 #felonies, used to be a #Justice Dept official, but the case itself was brought by the local DA in #Manhattan, #AlvinBragg.



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in reply to Nonilex

just play Pete Buttigieg on repeat against this fear mongering and lies

in reply to Nonilex

#TFG's lies #statistics

True, however, even this comparison is only half of the total picture.

In 2021, the US had a total population of 336,997,624.1)

In 1963, by contrast, the population was roughly just more than half of the 2021 figure, namely 184,649,873.2)

Since there are no aerial images, the crowd size on Jan. 6 can only be roughly estimated, 10-80k 3).
Let's take the...




in reply to HistoPol (#HP) 🥥 🌴

#TFG's lies #statistics

...highest figure, 80k.

The crowd at "I have a dream" was "over 250k" 4).

If you adjust the 1963 figure for population size, IMO the only correct way to see "who draw the larger crowd, you get (divide the two population figures:)

250k * 1.82... = 456,265.

In other words, lying TFG would have needed a crowd size of at least 456,266.

As expected, population adjusted (and we should consider making an adjustment for...


in reply to HistoPol (#HP) 🥥 🌴

#TFG's lies #statistics
(3/3) and its networking function, too), MLK's crowd was 👉 at least 5.7 times bigger than TFG's on Jan. 6.👈



in reply to Nonilex

A YouTube commentator said that she thinks that trump may be somehow
confusing the concept of asylum for refugees with asylums for the mentally ill.
Seriously, she may be on to something. Trump is quite possibly too stupid to know the difference.
in reply to Nonilex

Didn't mention anything about his "killing babies after they're born" statement, unfortunately. Is there a reason directly refuting that seems to be low priority for news media?
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in reply to Micro Rust


The closest thing to this BS is NY law.

NY's “Reproductive Health Act” allows practitioners to perform an abortion on a patient who is 24+wks IF the fetus is NOT VIABLE or the abortion is necessary "to protect the patient's life or health."

The law doesn’t define "health" or “viability”. Under the law, that determination must be made by a "health care practitioner licensed, certified, or authorized" under state law, "acting within his or her lawful scope of practice."