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Items tagged with: ADHD

I've not been gaining much traction on Mastodon so I thought it was time for an #Introduction! I am creeping up on my mid-fifties, I am a Life/ADHD coach, I was diagnosed with #ADHD at 51, I've been diagnosed with #HealthAnxiety, I enjoy #CanPoli and #ABPoli but the polarization as of late stresses me out, I am a #hockey fan first, #EdmontonOilers second, I am an ally of #LGBTQ and the #Indigenous People of Canada. Give me a #follow and I'll return the favour!

Question for everyone, because I have no idea whether this is a neurodivergent thing or just a common human thing. Boost for reach and indicate whether or not you're neurodivergent, and if so, which variety/varieties.

Do any other non-musicians get obsessed with a song/tune? I am not talking about involuntary earworms, I am talking about falling in love with a piece and thinking about it often and wanting to listen to it quite frequently.

My relevant neurodivergence is ADHD and Tourette syndrome.

#music #neurodivergence #neurodiversity #neurotypical #ADHD #autism #Tourette #OCD

Why don't I remember to follow people when I post #ADHD stuff? Oh, right...

@mikemccaffrey @Leendaal It's funny how much organised you have to be to get an #ADHD diagnosis as an adult. I was in a job that paid well at the time, but I was struggling to hold it down, so I saw a very expensive psychiatrist about it. He was available immediately.

Someone said that what a neurodivergent views as CONTEXT,
a neurotypical will usually view as an *excuse*,
and when I tell y'all this hits me SO HARD 😫

"You're just not working hard enough"
"You're just not paying close enough attention"
"You're just lazy"
"You're just not very thoughtful"
"You're just not respectful of other people's time"
"You're just selfish"

And all the while, I'm just trying to provide context on how I got from A to G


@Leendaal Do you know how long it took me to even manage to get to a psychiatrist? #ADHD

#ADHD problems:

"My phone is reminding me to do stuff. Wait, what year is it? Let me check the system I use... Uhhh, okay, so what I am seeing is that I screwed it up somehow. So, what now?"


In a way, #ADHD meds are designed to make a world that is too dull for you seem more interesting than it really is.

🦋 If you struggle with ADHD or have your focus constantly ruined by a whirlwind of thoughts, then you probably use productivity tools that can help crush those distractions and give you some peace of mind.

Find out how you can say goodbye to those scattered thoughts by customizing the Vivaldi browser to work for your needs and preferences 👇🏻

#adhd #Productivity #tech #Technology #browser #vivaldi #tips #hacks

If you've ever wondered what it's like being autistic with ADHD, it's a bit like this for me. (I always assumed everybody thought like this).

#ASD #ADHD #AuDHD #Autism

I feel like this is not the pretentious part...I just feel like my ADHD is on a whole other level sometimes.😅

#ADHD #neurodivergent #neurodiversity #neurodiverse #neurodivergence #ADHDmemes #memes #meme

Just a tip, if someone tells you they "can't" do something because of a physical or mental disability that prevents them from doing so and you tell them the equivalent of "just do it!", there's something wrong with YOU, not them....🙄

#ADHD #ADHDer #ADHDmemes #meme #memes #Neurodiversity #Neurodiverse #Neurodivergent

This is me today. I was supposed to go shopping at noon and then just went right through it and now I'm "going later today"🤦‍♂️

#ADHD #neurodivergent #neurodiversity #neurodiverse #neurodivergence #ADHDmemes #memes #meme

Last year our 30ish son was diagnosed with ADHD. It was the answer to years of suffering on his part and stress and anxiety on ours. He was the first generation to grow up with video games and he loved playing. He was a bright kid who had done well in elementary and we blamed video games for his failing marks in high school. Little did we know it was only when playing that his brain 'rested' He grew up with a lot of shame from those years and I wish we had known then what we know now.



Everybody hates being tired, but children with neurodiverse conditions – such as #autism or #ADHD – are even more susceptible to the effects of poor sleep, given their emotional reactivity and impulsivity. Here’s how to help.

I joined this #ADHD organisation today:
