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#Trump plans to claim sweeping #authority over #federal #spending

In a 2nd term, Trump will look at unilateral funding cuts for the #WHO & #green #energy initiatives.
He is vowing to wrest key spending powers from #Congress & to assert more control over the federal #budget than any president in #US #history.

#law #Constitution #SCOTUS #power #government #extortion #EconomicPolicy #MafiaState #authoritarianism #autocracy #tyranny #democracy #BidenHarris2024

A vote against authoritarianism in the world’s largest #democracy

In India, the voters have spoken. They do not want autocracy.

#India #Modi #elections #voting #democracy #geopolitics #GiftArticle #GiftLink #GoodNews

“Alito has behaved not like a responsible, sober jurist, but a dime-store political hack.”

There are reasonable remedies to the SCOTUS arrogance and integrity crisis.

Like so much, the bottom line is wholesale court reform, which comes down to the election.
It’s up to us.

#SCOTUS #ethics #election2024 #GiftArticle

These Israeli settlers are disgusting human beings. Absolutely miserable pieces of shit.

Paywall removed #giftarticle

Trump promised the oil executives that he'd destroy US environmental regulation and end decarbonization if they gave him a billion dollars.

The oil executives are now following through on giving Trump the the money

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#ClimateAction #ClimateCrisis #USPolitics #GiftArticle

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Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries denounced Alito for “sympathizing with right-wing violent insurrectionists,” demanded his recusal, and called for prompt passage of ethics reform.

Dick Durbin, chair of Senate Judiciary Committee, has dawdled long enough. He should put on the floor a mandatory ethics reform bill, which should include at least an inspector general for the court, if not court expansion, and term limits.

#SCOTUS #Alito #GiftArticle