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Items tagged with: generalelection

"The bias within the BBC itself is exposed when a party with both more MPs and vastly more councillors than Reform is largely ignored by it. I am, of course, referring to the Green Party."

Well said, @RichardJMurphy

#JeremyCorbyn on #Labour's new positioning, #KeirStarmer's leadership and his own campaign running as an independent in the #GeneralElection. I almost tear up everytime I hear him, because such political honesty and consistency has become a rarity in the #UK political landscape. Please heed his words: "there are many diverse forces that are opposing this Conservative government. All kinds of political alliances will arise after the election: stick to your principles!"

Interesting article by Eoin Sheehan on Redfield & Wilton site:

Why the polls won't ighten.

#politics #ukpolitics #generalelection

Today Jess Phillips has written to the Prime Minister about the conduct of one of his members of parliament, ex-PM Liz Truss.

It's a serious matter. Let's hope Rishi! takes it seriously.

#politics #ukpolitics #generalelection #liztruss

Sunak is now almost literally role playing the plot of Starship Troopers ... "We need you all. Service guarantees citizenship"

"Would you like to know more?"

#UK #UKPol #UKPolitics #UKPol #GE2024 #GeneralElection #Sunak #GTTO

#Sunak promises to bring back national service for 18-year-olds - surely this means sunak has just lost most votes of women with children who would be conscripted under this desperate idea? #GeneralElection

UK Election 2024: Wahlen im Vereinigten Königreich – mit ScienceFiles hautnah dabei #ScienceFilesUKNEWS #GeneralElection #HouseofCommons #UKElection2024 #NigelFarage #RishiSunak #Wahlen

Content warning: UK politics; general election 2024; vetting candidates

If you're not sure about if you have valid ID for getting to vote (because of the Tories bullshit voter supression laws), then just apply for a postal vote.

Then you can vote against the Tories with ease.

#UKPol #UKPolitics #GeneralElection #GE2024 #FuckTheTories