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Items tagged with: identity

While content is federated currently, #identity isn’t. And while that doesn’t diminish the decentralized nature of the #fediverse, having a single identity — that a user fully controls — would make it easier to sign up for multiple apps. My analysis of recent discussions here featuring @evanprodromou, @rabble, @deadsuperhero, @timbray, @osma & others.

Exclusive: #YossiSariel unmasked as head of #Unit8200 and architect of #AI #strategy after book written under pen name reveals his #Google account


The embarrassing #security lapse is linked to a book he published on #Amazon, which left a digital trail to a private Google account created in his name, along with his unique ID and links to the #account’s maps and calendar profiles.

#Israel #internet #Anonymity #privacy #spy #military #CyberSecurity #news #online #leak #identity