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Items tagged with: linuxaudio

L'éditorial de du mois de mai 2024 est en ligne :

#linuxmao #linuxaudio #mao #musiquelibre #art #artlibre #cc-by-sa #chanson #copyleft #creative-commons #culture-libre #gnu-linux #informatiquemusicale #logiciel libre #productionmusicale

La musique sous #Linux
Ou comment passer 1 heure ou 2 à paramétrer une config jusque là fonctionnelle, plutôt qu'à enregistrer 10 minutes de son...

Bon, bah j'ai épuisé mes capacités cognitives de la journée, je vais plutôt faire des courses.


Schon mal darüber nachgedacht, auf Linux 🐧 umzusteigen? - Ich arbeite derzeit mit einer Gruppe von Linux-Musikern an einer Online-Plattform zur Verbesserung des Linux-Musikproduktions-Universums.

Um mehr über die (potenziellen) Nutzer zu erfahren, haben wir eine kurze Umfrage erstellt. Dauert nur 2 Minuten, versprochen!

Foto: Kristina Alexanderson

#linux #linuxaudio #linuxmusicproduction #survey #musikproduktion

Curious about the @pipewire Parametric EQ plugin that @sanchayan wrote? Here's a blog post walking through why and how he built it.

#PipeWire #LinuxAudio #audiophile

Wine 9.8 Released

The #Wine development release 9.8 is now available. What’s new in this release: Mono engine updated to version 9.1.0. IDL-generated files use fully interpreted stubs. Improved RPC/COM support on ARM platforms. Various bug fixes.

#LinuxAudio #WineHQ #LikuxMusic #Linux #MusicProduction

This is for all #musicproducer (s) who either already work with #linux or are at least interested in doing so.
We are a group of #linuxaudio users who want to improve Linux #musicproduction.
As a first step, we want to get a better understanding of the Linux music production landscape with a #survey.
You can participate at!
#daw #plugin (s) #mixing #mastering #composition #instrument #effect #macos #windows #crossplatform

Today I optimized with a new image scheme.

Up until now I've downloaded an original image from the deveoper and made 2 smaller versions of it in the same format.

Now I make 3 copies and instead use the webp format ( which is much smaller and optimized.

The results in a faster and better site!

#linuxdaw #linuxaudio #webdev #webp

SocaLabs goes #linux! 🥳 #linuxaudio
Update: SocaLabs went Linux (long ago) and I wasn't aware that this is actually old news. 🫣😝

A track where the Wavetable synth from socalabs has an important place.
#ardour #Librazik #wavetable #linuxmao #linuxaudio #music #creativecommons #newwave

#bitwig 5.2 is around the corner! 🥳 #linuxaudio

Bitwig 5.2 is out!

#bitwig #linuxaudio #musicproduction #linuxdaw

A brief #update on my #battery driven #musicproduction #studio in my #blog: 😇 #solar #inverter #voltage #electricity #linuxaudio

Nakst Releases free ExtraBold Synthesizer Plugin for Linux
Windows and macOS.

#LinuxMusic #LinuxAudio #Clap #Nakst #Synthesizer #Linux #Musicproduction #Synth #DAW

Wine 9.7 Released

The Wine development release Version 9.7

#PeaceLoveMusic #WineHQ #LinuxAudio #Linux #MusicProduction #DAW

Sinevibes goes Linux – Alle Plugins bald mit dem Betriebssystem kompatibel!

#PeaceLoveMusic #Sinevibes #LinuxAudio #MusicProduction #Linux #VST3

#sinevibes are continuing to port all their #plugin (s) to #linuxaudio. Amazing times. 😇 Also see #linux #musicproduction