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Items tagged with: AskFedi

Wondering what the fediverse is using to watch #Peertube? I have an account on @tilvids but haven't really worked out how to find and follow people on differemt servers and while I can share stuff here on mastodon, I'm not seeing the (very few!) comments and replies. I use tusky mainly. I do have New Pipe app too, which I really like, but it's hard to find new accounts there. Suggestions welcome #AskFedi

Frage | Lebt noch?

Früher war ich mal eine Zeit lang auf der Lemmy Instanz unterwegs. Dann war es nicht mehr verfügbar und auch jetzt bekommt man auf der Seite nur eine Meldung 'Server error' angezeigt. Weiß einer von Euch näheres? Lebt die Instanz noch und gibt es Hoffnung das sie mal wieder normal funktionieren wird?

#Frage #Hilfe #feddit #fedditde #Lemmy #Server-error #askfedi #2024-06-11 @askfedi group

Content warning: Close-up of a Spider

I've been told that Mastodon and the Fediverse will never catch on (as in get to the point people know what it is / use it).

Tell me a reason you enjoy Mastodon / The Fediverse.

#Mastodon #Fediverse #FediAsk #AskFedi #ActivityPub #Decentralised

I’m seeing a lot of written data to my disk when my container is running.
(It’s running Mastodon).

About 5GB / hour.

But I’m a single user instance and my containers does not receive even near that amount of data during an hour.
What is writing to disk?

Running iotop on the host it looks like z_vdev_file is writing most to disk.
That’s ZFS. Is is normal for ZFS to write much?

#Linux #ZFS #Incus #AskFedi #Mastodon #MastoAdmin

Ich kann von meiner Single-Instanz @repaircorner meinen Account hier nicht mehr erreichen. In die andere Richtung klappt es aber. Woran könnte das liegen?

#askfedi #mastodon

I'm experimenting with new profile layouts in the new Pixelfed app.

Which one do you prefer?

(current, alt 1, alt 2)

#pixelfed #askFedi

Having established that dandelion seed heads are definitely NOT known as DANDELION CLOCKS by everyone I have a follow on question...

What DO you know them as?

Chatting to people already I have had FLUFFS (Lithuania) and WINDY PUFFS (Canada) both of which are SUPERB.

Are there any others? Will there be enough to make a World Map of Dandelion Names?! 😃

Places, names & any other trivia welcome!

Earlier thread here:

#dandelion #question #askFedi