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Items tagged with: GNOME

I've been on #X11 for past 28+ years, but used different WMs over time: #twm, #fvwm95, #e16, #gnome, #compiz, #xmonad and #awesomewm.

I'm migrating to #Wayland and need a wm which would ease the move. Requirements are: tiling, no window decorations, keyboard driven and config driven.

I rediscovered #i3 == #sway which check all my boxes and use common config. After some tweaking, I got it working well with my keybindings and usage patterns. &

It's not long until the 1st of June, so why not pick up the guitar and learn some catchy tunes for the summer? I've just published version 7.0 of Fretboard, which brings more accurate chord name prediction, note names on hover for the neck top toggles, and a couple of fixes for various small issues encountered since last release. It should be on Flathub very soon!

#Fretboard #GNOME #Flathub #GNOMEApps #GNOMECircle #Guitar

If you could decide between #KDE #Plasma and #Gnome as your #Linux Desktop Environment, which would you choose over the other and why?

  • KDE Plasma (47%, 9 votes)
  • Gnome (52%, 10 votes)
19 voters. Poll end: 4 days ago

Very happy and proud of this collaboration between @codethink @gnome and @sovtechfund

Our goal is to make GNOME OS a daily driver for QA and finalize the migration, but this work will be fundamental to the future of all secure image based / immutable Linux distributions.

#Linux #GNOME #systemd

Got very excited by @matt demo of AccessKit integration in #GTK

AccessKit is a cross-platform abstraction for accessibility infrastructure written in Rust.

His work will bring a11y support for GTK on macOS and Windows as well as for the new accessibility architecture on Linux code-named "Newton".

#GNOME #rustlang #accessibility #a11y #Linux #Windows #macOS

Matrix certrainly has its rough edges, but I find it awesome that pretty much every major Linux community now has their dedicated space. All federated, of course.

#Matrix #Element #ElementWeb #Linux #ArchLinux #KDE #Plasma #GNOME #Debian #openSUSE #Fedora #LinuxMint #XApp #postmarketOS

GNOME will be mentoring 8 new contributors for Google Summer of Code 2024

Content warning: We are happy to announce that GNOME was assigned eight slots for Google Summer of Code projects this year! GSoC is a program focused on bringing new contributors into open source software development. A number of long term GNOME developers are former GSoC