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Items tagged with: Spacex

Space debris from SpaceX Dragon capsule crashed on a hiking trail in North Carolina mountains.


I guess this is to be expected.

I guess we're all OK with this now.

Until a Starlink satellite deorbits into a Senator's house or SpaceX launch debris falls into Mar-a-Lago, NYC, or Washington, DC, Americans won't care or do anything about this.

#ThanksElon #SpaceX #Starlink #MuskSavesTheWorld

🌠 SpaceX satellites threaten to hide asteroids that pose danger to humanity | Technology | EL PAÍS English

"It’s difficult to say exactly how many asteroids will be lost… but preliminary results suggest that for every five near-Earth asteroids we discover, we lose one solely due to constellation interference. That’s if no mitigation measures are taken”

#SpaceX #Starlink #Astronomy #Asteroid #Space

"#SpaceX satellites threaten to hide asteroids that pose danger to humanity

The International Astronomical Union demands that urgent action be taken against the uncontrolled proliferation of these devices. #Starlink satellites make it difficult to search for objects at risk of impacting the Earth"

#IAU #ElonMusk #Space


#SpaceKaren dreams of "saving" humanity by colonizing #Mars, dooms us to #asteroid impact- his #satellite toys blot our #telescope warning