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Items tagged with: booksthatinfluencedyou

"The Three Sirens"
Something I read from the bookshelf in my childhood home, as a young adolescent. Ill advised, but sixty plus years later, I still will refer to it in conversation.

Book Challenge: 20 Bücher, die dich geprägt haben. Ein Buch pro Tag, 20 Tage lang. Keine Erklärungen, keine Bewertungen, nur Buchcover. #20books #20books20days #20tage20bucher #booksthatinfluencedyou Buch 3


“It really is a nice theory. The only defect I think it has is probably common to all philosophical theories. It's wrong. You may suspect me of proposing another theory in its place; but I hope not, because I'm sure it's wrong too if it is a theory.” -- Saul Aaron Kripke in "Naming and Necessity"

@mina @HistoPol @mattotcha @energiepirat @VeroniqueB99 @si_irini @GreenFire @evelynefoerster @SilviaMarton @forthy42 @2ndStar @MAJ1

@mina @HistoPol @mattotcha @energiepirat @VeroniqueB99 @si_irini @evelynefoerster @SilviaMarton @forthy42 @2ndStar @MaJ1 @scb

Today, I will go back to an energy & climate book that influenced me.

An analysis of the world's economic and social structures by using the first and second laws of thermodynamics.

Jeremy Rifkin

'Entropy, A New World View'

Day 11

Herman Melville: Moby Dick

A book that needs no introduction.

When I first started to read it, I felt a certain reluctance. Usually, I never have issues stepping into the protagonist's shoes. With Ismael, I struggled at first, because of his profession (not his original one: teacher), but



@HistoPol @mattotcha @energiepirat @VeroniqueB99 @si_irini @GreenFire @evelynefoerster @SilviaMarton @forthy42 @2ndStar @MAJ1 @scb

Day 14:

(2/n) turning the regions around the equator into a #desert planet, and there is no lack of autocrats and religious zealots.

In my opinion, one of the best #SciFi sagas ever, equal to #Asimov's #Foundation trilogy, maybe even surpassing it regarding complexity of characters, philosophies,...

@mina @Yorkshiregeek @evelynefoerster @VeroniqueB99 @si_irini @MaJ1 @mattotcha @2ndStar @energiepirat @SilviaMarton @forthy42 @GreenFire

Day 14:


As promised, today the book that you should read before you watch the movie. Otherwise, you'll feel somewhat lost at times watching it.

I'm referring to #FrankHerbert's #SciFi masterpiece of epic dimensions, the #Dune saga.

The books are more relevant than ever because #GlobalWarming is...


@mina @Yorkshiregeek @evelynefoerster @VeroniqueB99 @si_irini @MaJ1 @mattotcha @2ndStar @energiepirat @SilviaMarton @forthy42 @GreenFire

Day 13:

Today, I'm recommending another book by #JamesClavel, #TaiPan.
It is the second book in #Clavel's fantastic #AsianSaga.

It describes the rivalry of two English merchant families + their rise 2 power against the well-researched background of the #OpiumWars + #Hongkong's early colonial history.
It 1st got me interested in 🇨🇳.

@mina @Yorkshiregeek @evelynefoerster @VeroniqueB99 @si_irini @MaJ1 @mattotcha @2ndStar @energiepirat @SilviaMarton @forthy42 @GreenFire

Day 10 (half time)

Julio Cortázar: Final del juego [End of the Game]

Outside of Latin America, J. Cortázar is less known than, say, Gabriel García Márquez or Jorge Luis Borges, but he is certainly one of the most influential authors of a continent so rich in great writers.

This is the first book by



@HistoPol @mattotcha @energiepirat @VeroniqueB99 @si_irini @GreenFire @evelynefoerster @SilviaMarton @forthy42 @2ndStar @MAJ1 @scb

I wish my reading was as exciting
Nineteen Eighty-Four George Orwell one of my faves )

A Brief History of Time ( Stephen Hawking)

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (the trilogy of 5 books, not read the 6th yet) (Douglas Adams.)
Fight Club (Chuck Palahniuk)
The Communist Manifesto (
Karl Marx)
The God Delusion (Richard Dawkins)

Day 12:


...beliefs and practices. His concept of republicanism emphasized proslavery thought..." 2)

That would be an epic battle! 🥰

Short of this, this book is also an excellent tutorial for anyone who plans to have a career in #politics. #MustRead


#20Days20Books (We'll see 😉)

Day 12:


...knowledge and writing skills, I' love to write a book in the style of #AlternateHistory, where #LyndonBJohnson, a grandmaster of backroom deals and finding morning majorities, would clash with #HenryClay, #TheGreatCompromiser, and one...

#20Days20Books (We'll see 😉)

Day 12:

(3/n) became clear to me that he has been the political #SunTzu of the #US Senate. Initially not having the hard power for direly needed reform, #Johnson managed to transform the "upper chamber" representing the "states rights" into a masterpiece of...

#20Days20Books (We'll see 😉)

Day 7:
Michael Köhlmeier, Das grosse Sagenbuch des klassischen Altertums

@mina @evelynefoerster @mattotcha @energiepirat @SilviaMarton @VeroniqueB99 @si_irini @greenfire @forthy42 @MaJ1 @admin @2ndStar @GreenFire

You may have noticed that I completely ignore the original "challenge to choose 20 books that greatly influenced you. One book per day, for 20 days. No explanations, no reviews, just covers".

It's just that I am a compulsory talker, and I cannot against my very nature.

On the other hand: I also enjoy other people's posts with pic & text far more than those with just the cover pics or even just author and title.

So: not feeling sorry.


Day 8

L.S. Hilton: Maestra

I grabbed this once in Heathrow waiting for a delayed flight, because I liked the cover.

"But Mina", you might say, "how could you call a common woman's revenge story with sex scenes, situated between the art business and gold diggers, a book that influenced you?"




@HistoPol @mattotcha @energiepirat
@VeroniqueB99 @si_irini @GreenFire @evelynefoerster @SilviaMarton @forthy42 @2ndStar @MaJ1 @scb

#20Books20Days - The challenge is to choose 20 books that greatly influenced you. One book per day, for 20 days. No explanations, no reviews, just covers. #books #BookWyrm @mina

Tag 7

#Goscinny #Uderzo "#Asterix V Die goldene #Sichel"


#USpol #BooksThatInfluencedYou

I have been looking with increasing dismay at the political situation in the #US: they are a #DemocracyInChains, a book by historian #NancyMcLean.

(To be fair, I'm cheating a bit here, as I've so far only read a detailed but excellent article on the book so far:

It is on the top of my reading list, though.)
@evelynefoerster @VeroniqueB99 @si_irini @MaJ1 @mattotcha @2ndStar @energiepirat @SilviaMarton @forthy42 @GreenFire

So, (book) party people in the house, I still owe yesterday's installment of the #BooksThatInfluencedYou.
Day 10:
I read #RayBradbury's #dystopian #Fahrenheit451--the temperature at which books burn--as a high school senior. Never would I have thought that one day it could become true. Actually, we already live in the kind of #SurveillanceState envisioned, in many countries.
@evelynefoerster @VeroniqueB99 @si_irini @MaJ1 @mattotcha @mina @2ndStar @energiepirat @SilviaMarton @forthy42 @GreenFire

#20Books20Days - The challenge is to choose 20 books that greatly influenced you. One book per day, for 20 days. No explanations, no reviews, just covers. #books #BookWyrm @mina

Tag 6

Sten #Nadolny "Die #Entdeckung der #Langsamkeit"



Great choice.
#RayBradbury is also my choice for yesterday, though I haven't managed to post it yet.

It would be nice if you were to add the threads hashtag, #BooksThatInfluencedYou, as well as an #AltText, so people can find it and everyone enjoy with us.


#20Books20Days - The challenge is to choose 20 books that greatly influenced you. One book per day, for 20 days. No explanations, no reviews, just covers. #books #BookWyrm @mina

Tag 5
Umberto #Eco "Das #Foucault|sche #Pendel"



Day 10:

Book, David Graeber, David Wengrow, Anfänge, eine neue Geschichte der Menschheit

@HistoPol @mattotcha @energiepirat @VeroniqueB99 @si_irini @GreenFire @evelynefoerster @SilviaMarton @forthy42 @MaJ1 @2ndStar @scb

Day 10: #BooksThatInfluencedYou
I've been trying to think of which science fiction book to post because the genre certainly influenced me even more than did fantasy, but it's hard to decide which one.

This was one of my favorite "hard science" fiction books I think if I can recall correctly. Darn can't find that collection of stories on living in space that I read a few times now.

Anyways, the series by Kim Stanley Robinson on Mars was awesome and influential not to mention Ministry of Earth.


Day 11:
Book, Terry Pratchett, Witches abroad

@adipoeserPursch @mattotcha @energiepirat @VeroniqueB99 @si_irini @GreenFire @SilviaMarton @forthy42 @MaJ1 @2ndStar @scb @mina

Day 7

Greg Egan: Luminous

Originally, I planned to present a different book today, but, as #SciFi, ethics and related topics are currently already on the table, it is probably the right moment to speak about my, by far, favourite author of truly contemporary SF @gregeganSF

The book is a selection



@HistoPol @mattotcha @energiepirat @VeroniqueB99 @si_irini @GreenFire @evelynefoerster @SilviaMarton @forthy42 @2ndStar @MaJ1 @scb

@ClipHead @javiquinte
I goofed up and posted this yesterday with only the hashtag #BooksThatInfluencedYou without tagging the crew.

I saw you mention science fiction and the bible so want to make sure y'all see the book I posted on Sunday by Isaac Asimov, History of the Bible.