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Items tagged with: Flower

#Muster in der #52WochenFotoChallenge von @norberteder

17/52 Natural Patterns
I always find it fascinating what delicate patterns nature offers, here - fitting for the season 😉 - a small tulip that I discovered when I was taking photos in one of those tulip fields where you can pick your own bouquet to take home.

#flower #tulip #pattern #closeup #outside #beauty #nature #photography #darktable #paperg

:nikon: :darktable:

The moon and stars must have aligned this year, as the spring wildflower display in Andalicia is stunning and prolific. I have enjoyed photographing and posting these beautiful flowers.

Now you can see all the photos in my latest blog post, Wildflowers in Andalucia:

#believeinfilm #filmphotography #kodakgold200 #film #spring #flower #wildflower

Not sure what this one is, but it's small and pretty! (Seen in the Four Corners area.)

#Flower #Wildflower #Desert

One of my favorite wildflowers is Castilleja angustifolia (desert paintbrush). They brighten up the desert wonderfully! It is a semi-parasite plant usually robbing nutrients from grasses that it grows with. The flowers are actually the green-yellow tubes. The bright red part are bracts.

#Wildflower #Flower #Desert

More wildflowers of Andalucia

I love the way these wildflowers in the olive groves worked out - reminds me of a meadow (this is in an olive grove)

Camera: Pentax MX, Film: #KodakGold200, Home developed: Tetenal ColourTec C41

#photography #believeinfilm #pentax #colour #filmphotography #kodak #film #spring #flower #wildflower

Our #clematis vines are really taking off and starting to bloom. I planted them last year but they were very much underachievers, maybe because of our long hot summer, and after our one hard freeze this winter I thought they might be dead, but definitely not. This variety is called John Paul II 🤷‍♂️.

#flowers #flower #bloomscrolling #photography #flowerphotography #FlowersOfMastodon