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Items tagged with: Libreoffice

Handy #LibreOffice Calc tip! Press Ctrl+; to insert the current date, or Shift+Ctrl+; for the current time. Want a date and time that's always updating? Use the =NOW() function. #foss #opensource

Look! A #LibreOffice feature you may not know about 😉 When exporting a #PDF the "Hybrid PDF" option embeds the original file. Then anyone with a PDF reader can view the file – and LibreOffice users can edit it too: #foss #OpenSource

Good #LibreOffice news:

"Patrick Luby (NeoOffice) fixed issues related to the transparency-to-alpha rework, fixed a Skia issue related to a changed default, fixed horizontal swiping and scrolling when using an RTL UI, made it possible to encrypt files with using public GPG keys with unknown Ownertrust on macOS and fixed macOS crashes"

This is item # 27 in the monthly dev / qa report:

And it means that for the first time for as long as I can recall, #OpenPGP in @LibreOffice on #macOS is in an actual usable state 😼

Kudos Patrick for your persistence in addressing the nasty issues around this implementation.

»Following a successful pilot project, the northern German federal state of Schleswig-Holstein has decided to move from Microsoft Windows and Microsoft Office to #Linux and #LibreOffice (and other free and open source software)«

#FLOSS #Germany

đŸ‡©đŸ‡Ș German state moving 30,000 PCs to LibreOffice

「 Following a successful pilot project, the northern German federal state of Schleswig-Holstein has decided to move from Microsoft Windows and Microsoft Office to Linux and LibreOffice (and other free and open source software) on the 30,000 PCs used in the local government 」

#Germany #Libreoffice #Linux #Opensource

Beste Nachrichten des Tages:
"30.000 IT-PlÀtze: Schleswig-Holsteins Regierung beginnt Umstieg auf #LibreOffice
Die Landesregierung in Kiel will in sechs Bereichen auf freie Software wechseln. Beim "Einstieg in den Umstieg" kommt LibreOffice auf 30.000 IT-ArbeitsplÀtze."

German state ditches Microsoft for Linux and LibreOffice by @sjvn

Schleswig-Holstein is dumping #Windows and Office for #Linux and #LibreOffice

Mein mir grundsympathisches Bundesland #SchleswigHolstein wechselt bei seinen 30.000 Behörden-PCs demnÀchst von Windows & Office 365 & Sharepoint etc. auf #Linux & #LibreOffice & #Nextcloud.

> “Die Sicherstellung der digitalen SouverĂ€nitĂ€t ist mindestens so wichtig wie EnergiesouverĂ€nitĂ€t”, sagt Schleswig-Holsteins Digitalisierungsminister Dirk Schrödter.

Sehr cool!

The German state of Schleswig-Holstein has announced they are moving ~30,000 PCs from Windows & MS Office to #linux & #libreoffice!

Question! Why should local governments use taxpayers’ money to buy proprietary, closed software from a single vendor? And what happens to citizens' data? A solution is to move to free and open source software like #Linux and #LibreOffice – which is exactly what Schleswig-Holstein is doing: #foss #OpenSource #privacy

Schleswig-Holstein geht voran:

#LibreOffice statt M$ Office
#Linux statt Windows
#Thunderbird statt Outlook
#Nextcloud statt Sharepoint

Das Kabinett hat den Startschuss fĂŒr den Umstieg auf freie Software gegeben - ein Gewinn fĂŒr #IT-Sicherheit, #Datenschutz und die heimische Digitalwirtschaft.

Langfristiges Ziel ist die vollstÀndige digitale SouverÀnitÀt des Landes.

Wir ziehen den Hut und wĂŒnschen eine erfolgreiche Umsetzung!đŸŽ©

#OpenSource #DigitaleSouverÀnitÀt
