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Items tagged with: Missouri

Via Taniel:

BFD in #Missouri: GOP tried to rush a constitutional change to crack down on future ballot initiatives. Anticipated an #abortion rights measure this fall.

But Democrats triggered the longest filibuster in state history to sink it in final days of session.

Two years ago, forced pregnancy enjoyers assured us they did not want to penalize women who got abortions. But now, the masks are off. #Missouri

Cat birds! More first time IRL specimens for me this week. The super dark one is super unique, and was the first to show up. They seem to enjoy the cuties I put out for the Oriels. They only hung out for a day or so.

#GrayCatbird #backyardbirding #BackyardBirds #Birdstodon #birding #naturalist #Ornithology #nature #wildlifephotography #Missouri #KC

Today is the most ridiculous day for #BackyardBirding! First a rose-breasted grosbeak at our feeder (first time we’ve seen one IRL), then a full-color goldfinch, and just now a Baltimore oriole showed up at the hummingbird feeder. First time getting photos of a BO. YAYYY 🤩

Also, Mr and Mrs Bluey (our eastern bluebird couple) have been hanging out, too.

#BaltimoreOriole #BackyardBirds #Birdstodon #birding #naturalist #Ornithology #nature #wildlifephotography #Missouri