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Items tagged with: birding

Sigh I will be taking a break from Cornell's ebird because of their disappointing actions here. If they can't stand against genocide then I cannot in good conscience take part in their #birding projects.

Today is the most ridiculous day for #BackyardBirding! First a rose-breasted grosbeak at our feeder (first time we’ve seen one IRL), then a full-color goldfinch, and just now a Baltimore oriole showed up at the hummingbird feeder. First time getting photos of a BO. YAYYY 🤩

Also, Mr and Mrs Bluey (our eastern bluebird couple) have been hanging out, too.

#BaltimoreOriole #BackyardBirds #Birdstodon #birding #naturalist #Ornithology #nature #wildlifephotography #Missouri

All the woodpeckers are coming to the feeders now and frequently, too. They must be feeding hatchlings. #birds #birding #birdsofmastodon #birdphotography #woodpeckers #HoosierMast

It's International Crow and Raven Appreciation Day, everybody. (h/t @neurovagrant and @Nonya_Bidniss )

Not kidding. No idea who gets to make these things up but I'm not complaining.

Anyway, to celebrate here's a caramel crow photo I've never posted before.

#birding #birdwatching #corvids #crows #birdphotography

In 1979, Ohio (US) had 4 nesting pairs of bald eagles. Today there are 800 pairs. Banning DDT and federal protection through the Endangered Species Act worked.

One of the three nests we saw today. This pair, known to locals as Jack and Diane, are feeding a pair of eaglets in Magee Marsh, near Lake Erie.

#birding #law #BirdLaw #MarshMadness