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Items tagged with: Mosstodon

Lovely little sun struck #mosstodon patch spotted on a walk just now.

The last time I traveled, I put my bonsais in this transparent storage bin to maintain the moisture. And wow. They're doing better in the bin than they ever did when I was diligently watering them. Especially the moss. I've never seen it so healthy and vibrant. It reminds me that I'd like to make a little enclosed terrarium one of these days.
#mosstodon #bonsai #terrarium

Mossy wall and bluebells, near Peter Tavy #Dartmoor #Devon, southwest England. #mosstodon

Pictures taken this week near Sampford Spiney and Huckworthy, western #Dartmoor, #Devon #photography #mosstodon

Nature was BRINGING it this morning on my walk. #Bloomscrolling #Mosstodon

I betcha didn't know there were Ents in these north woods.

#mosstodon #wisco

Portraits of some of the recent lichens I've met. My guesses as to IDs:

* Flavoparmelia caperata
* A nice moss that looks like asparagus tips, with Xanthoria parietina & physcia adscendens (?) growing through / around it
* Parmotrema, physcia & candelariella
* Caloplaca species

#LichenSubscribe #Lichen #MacroPhotography #Macro #Nature #NaturePhotography #Moss #Mosstodon

#mysticalMonday ins Leben gerufen von @Weser_Sandrita

Tieropfer um den Gott des Moos zu huldigen. Denn schon die Altvorderen wussten: 'Ohne Moos nix los.'

Animal sacrifices to pay homage to the god of moss. Because even the ancients knew: 'Nothing happens without moss'.

#Mosstodon #photography

Photos taken this week, Grenofen woods, #Dartmoor, and bluebells appearing near Tavistock, #Devon. #mosstodon #photography