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Items tagged with: NoMowMay

No Mow May also gives other animals (like Stinky) somewhere to enjoy. I'm hoping to be doing No Mow June as well.
#Caturday #Cats #CatsOfMastodon #NoMowMay #Nature

15 Jahre lang hab ich das Stückchen Brache neben dem Haus mehrfach im Jahr gemäht. Seit 3 Jahren nur noch einmal im Spätherbst.
Das Foto ist von vorhin. 💚

#nomowmay #SilentSunday

No mow May. Well, no mow 2024 so far, but the garden is buzzing with bees and insects. It's full of life and just beautiful. #NoMowMay #Nature #Gardening

No mow area in a park.

Leaving areas without mowing helps conserving habitats for insects, birds, other invertebrates, small mammals, etc. It also makes the meadow more resilient against heat and drought.

How does your city do this? Are they biodiversity aware or part of the problem?

#biodiversity #NoMowMay #nature #cities #ClimateChange