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Items tagged with: PARIS2024

#PARIS2024 👋👋👋👋👋👋👋🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🎆🎆🎆🎇🎇🎆🎆🎇🎇

Personne ne le sait encore mais dans cette caisse siglée LVMH se cache Xavier Dupont de Ligonnès, c'est ça le grand spectacle de #paris2024

Pour l'instant, on apprécie au premier degré l'effet "rideau d'eau" qui nous rappelle un de nos fleurons nationaux (le Parc Astérix) #paris2024

aaaaaaaaaaaaaand am going to cry. my dad loved to hear the Olympics anthem and would stand up everytime he listened to it.

my father's name was Julio Sabater. he was Puerto Rico's record holder for 200 with hurdles from 1948 until 1988.

say his name.

#Olympics2024 #sports #Paris2024

I did not know that Carl Lewis carried a torch for Nadal


people are clapping that the guy finally shut the fuck up.

also... why is this the first time am listening to Macron's incredible voice?

#Olympics2024 #sports #Paris2024

Guam has one cool flag. Just saying.


It's seriously fun to watch how much fun the sportspeople have. I didn't expect to like all this, but I do.

We also get a good idea of available river boats in Paris.

#paris2024 #olympics #boatrental

Ah. Israel. That's probably one of the reasons they don't show audience at the same time as the teams.

#paris2024 #olympics

"sororité" = sisterhood

There's a big #feminist movement who are saying the traditional french motto Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité could do with an update to be inclusive.

From @juliette. More interesting stuff in the podcast @WTFrance ;-)

#olympics #paris2024

Oh. That's a skatejump.

Luxembourg is facing the wrong way?!? Is there something wrong with the filming?!

It's fixed with Madagaskar.

Also: i do hope we see a small delegation in a kajak or one of those swan peddle boats.


#olympics #paris2024

To anyone annoyed that I'm spamming your feed with misspelled takes on the olympic opening ceremony: sorry, this is the only sports thing I like. I won't say a thing the next four years.

Mongolia's mom made them one hell of a cool shirt btw

#paris2024 #olympic2024

Uhm. Is there a traditional reason why Niger is saluting instead of having fun?

I like that NigerA is next to it. #Norway should rebrand as NigerB


@juliette informs me rapperdude is a famous French dude. Maybe this is Johnny Hollyday?


The last supper in drag with France Gall..

Lol 🙂

#olympics #paris2024

Confession: I was afraid there'd be more sports. This is nice.


Ok. Here's North Korea. I, uhm, hope their families are ok. 😐


Solomon Islands on a tiny boat gives me hope for the floating croissant or swan-paddle-boat.

We haven't seen the flame dude for some time. Might the Louvre be on fire?! 🔥

#olympics #paris2024

fun fact: Just like #eurovision, if you win the #olympics you have to organise them.

#fact #paris2024

i think I have the official cd of the #paris2024 olympics. It's called Happy 90s Dancehits Volume II.

Oh. And now there's Lady Gaga singing in pretty good French while a bunch of dancers move around with pink tribbles. This is kinda enticing.

I hope we get Jacques Brel as well.

#olympics #paris2024

Wow. #Brazil just brought the entire country.

Isn't #daftpunk #french? I wonder if they do a thing.

#olympics #paris2024

oMG. Man on a zipline! Is that Boris Johnson on the way to a guillotine?


Great. A random Louis Vuitton ad. I wonder if they at least sponsored it with a couple of 100 million?

#paris2024 #olympics

If you're wondering: Golden dress woman is Aya Nakamura. Cool.

The drumband with toilet brush hats are cool too. In their very own way. They're the republican guard.

#olympics #paris2024

W t f is north korea wearing?!

Edit: oh. Translucent rainjackets. Nevermind, as a Dutch person living in Denmark I had not identified the drizzle as rain.

#olympics #paris2024

The Danes have their own boat. And brought their king. #hygge and shit.

Djibouti is doing the wave. Sorry DK, they're cooler.


For a long time I struggled with myself to not seem like a bully and someone who spreads hate and then I realized I am not alone, there is already a petition 👇🏼👇🏼

Here is my contribution


#ioc #olympics #olympicgames #humanity #social #socialmedia #YouWinAgainSi #mastodon #fediverse #rape #no #olympics2024 #paris2024 #question #betterworld #GiveThemAVoice #news