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Items tagged with: agriculture

How Many Billions of People Would Die Under Net Zero? #ClimateDelusion #ChrisPackham #PatrickMoore #agriculture #AlecEpstein #fertilizer #NeilOliver #Net-Zero #NetZero #GBNews #BBC

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#agriculture #montagne #agropastoralisme #lagreenbox

If you live in the UK please sign this petition from the wonderful people at Landworkers Alliance calling for increased government funding for #agriculture

How Genome Mapping Can Transform Sugarcane Into Green Fuel

#science #biology #genetics #botany #agriculture #farming #energy #environment #biofuels

Solutions for #ClimateChange

Yes, and #agrivoltaics in combination with raised-field #agriculture (#WaruWaru) could solve many challenges of the #ClimateCrisis in certain regions:

Part 2: Solutions for #ClimateChange: #Agrivoltaics

Combining the new solar-panel-above fields method* with ancient raised-field #WaruWaru #farming #technology could facilitate #WaterConservation and management, raise yields, reduce #fertilizer concentration, and reduce #erosion.

The solution to our current #drought problems in many areas might have been with us for 2,300 years at least, probably first developed by the #Tiahuanaco culture of the #Andean...

*See previous toot (Part 1)

Yes, and #agrivoltaics in combination with raised-field #agriculture (#WaruWaru) could solve many challenges of the #ClimateCrisis in certain regions:

Part 2: Solutions for #ClimateChange: #Agrivoltaics

Combining the new solar-panel-above fields method* with ancient raised-field #WaruWaru #farming #technology could facilitate #WaterConservation and management, raise yields, reduce #fertilizer concentration, and reduce #erosion.

The solution to our current #drought problems in many areas might have been with us for 2,300 years at least, probably first developed by the #Tiahuanaco culture of the #Andean...

*See previous toot (Part 1)