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Items tagged with: freepalestine

The view from the front line of students showed riot cops advancing under cover of sustained firing of flash bangs grenade launchers.

๐Ÿ“ธ TW: @MrOlmos

#UCLA #FreePalestine

The cops have started working to breakthrough the barricades and are letting off a large volley of flash-bang grenades.

๐Ÿ“ธ TW: @PplsCityCouncil

#UCLA #ACAB #FreePalestine

Or hospitals. Or mosques. Or libraries. Or government buildings (including registries, court houses, et al). Their entire civilization has been destroyed, just so those who destroyed it can call them "barbarians"..


The UCLA Palestine Solidarity encampment has so far appeared free from serious police interference today.

They did however have run in's with an antagonistic group of Zionist who became violent.

๐Ÿ“ธ IG: @sjpatucla

#UCLA #FreePalestine #Zionist

The UCLA students are requesting donations and material support ๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿฟ

#UCLA #FreePalestine #MutualAidRequest

One instance of police violence captured at Hind's Hall was a cop in tan pants throwing a person down a flight of stairs.

This incident was caught from several angels and feels like the sort of thing there will likely be law suits over.

๐Ÿ“ธ TW: @taliaotg

#Columbia #FreePalestine #nyc #nypd #f12

Quick refresher, the student's named their liberated building after Hind. A young Palestinian girl whose finally moments were caught on an EMS call.

In the call Hind can be heard discribing how here family had just been murdered by an IDF tank crew. Her final words are snuffed out but the sounds of IDF machine gun fire.

Hind's body was eventually recovered from her family's car as well as those of her parents and the EMS crew dispatched to rescue Hind.

#Gaza #FreePalestine #Columbia #Israel

The union representing 3,000 grad student workers at USC has filed an unfair labor practice charge against USC to end campus militarization and drop charges against students and faculty arrested in Pro-Palistinian protests there.

#freepalestine #EndTheOccupation #usc #students #UniversityProtests #workingclass #union #solidarity #police #policebrutality

During the night time raids on campuses. Groups of cops were seen agitating crowds who'd gathered to support the students encampment. The cops randomly charged into them, tackling people and then arresting them.

๐Ÿ“ธ TW: @kimizar1

#NYPD #Columbia #FreePalestine

At columbia, protesters outside of the campus linked arms to block the gates. The NYPD arrested them one at a time with over whelming force.

๐Ÿ“ธ TW: SpyderMonkey0_0

#Columbia #NYPD #nyc #FreePalestine

I'm not the only one who thinks the cops were over board. Here's a cop himself telling a loved one about his day . . .

His previous text reads:

"I thought we fucking shot someone"

๐Ÿ“ธ TW: @ColumbiaSJP

#Columbia #ACAB #NYC #NYPD #FreePalestine

Given how amped up they were to be using the batman-esque entrance I can see why the cop above thought they might have killed somebody.

And again, have we EVER seen this level of force used on fascist protests?

๐Ÿ“ธ IG: @jacobbergerbackup
๐Ÿ”— TW: @gregjstoker

#Columbia #nypd #nyc #freepalestine

The NYPD severely beat and brutalized people as they arrested them last night.

Multiple students arrested had to be taken directly to the hospital.

This was a cop riot.

The cops worked to remove as many press people from the encampment prior to the sweep as possible.

๐Ÿ“ธ TW: @ColumbiaSJP

#NYPD #NewYork #Columbia #FreePalestine

There's a TON of footage of brutal take downs, cops dog piling people who are already down, and of course dragging them while beating the crap out of them to make it look like their reaction to being dragged is them "resisting".

But, first I think you should see this meme!

๐Ÿ“ธ TW: @probablyreadit
๐ŸŽค IG: @noshu4me

#acab #nyc #columbia #bonk #meme #FreePalestine

Over night hundreds of NYPD cops descended on Columbia's campus and other NYC universities.

๐Ÿ“ธ IG: nycpym

#NYC #Columbia #FreePalestine #acab

๐Ÿšจ ๐Ÿšจ ๐Ÿšจ
WEEK 31: Statement from the Palestine Solidarity Encampment at UCLA. Campus police looked on and filmed, but DID NOT intervene.
Posted twice to incorporate full alt-text

"The University would rather see us dead than divest"

#FreePalestine #USPolitics #UCLA

WEEK 31: Students at Harvard Gaza Solidarity Encampment have been handed disciplinary slips. They had their own to give back โœŠ



Petition calling for the Irish Government to allow the Freedom Flotilla to sail under the Irish flag. Non-Irish residents can also sign ๐Ÿฅณ โœŠ ๐Ÿ‡ต๐Ÿ‡ธ

Edit: @selzero @hannu_ikonen @aral

Would you guys mind passing this round your followers?

Thank you my lovelies ๐Ÿฅฐ

#FreedomFlotilla #FreePalestine

If Hamas rejects the deal today and Netanyahu starts bombing Rafah, I don't want to hear anyone blaming them

#Israel #Palestine #FreePalestine

WEEK 31: Students at UT Austin are fucking incredible. Here they are, literally *charging* at the police to drive them from the campus *while* they're being pepper sprayed, shouting "Who do you protect? Who do you serve?"


Students report seeing numerous arrests of students simply going about their day.

As the column of cops made their way through the crowd they began making random violent arrests.

๐Ÿ“น TW: @CandiceBernd

#UTAustin #FreePalestine #ACAB

The students have posted a request for jail support either by calling for release or with bail donations.


Venmo: @psc_atx

#MutualAidRequest #UTAustin #FreePalestine

I'm dying... they arrested a photographer from the local news station FOX7 and the person recording here is a local NBC reporter ๐Ÿ˜‚

๐ŸŽ™๏ธ Nabil Brent Remadna - KXAN NBC

#DPS #Austin #UTAustin #ACAB #FreePalestine

So... the internet is FAST as all ways.

I believe there's already video of the moment Carlos from ABC7 was arrested.

I'm not sure these colleges and local PDs are ready for the backlash they created today.

Out here throwing reporters to the ground and dangling rifle muzzles in their faces on live streams. smh good luck with that

#UTAustin #Austin #FreePalestine

(Nitter addon enabled: Twitter links via

Despite the chaos of a simmering police riot, the student reporters continue asking hard hitting questions.

๐Ÿ“ธ Nicole Slaski & Dante
TW: @nicool_slabsky
TW: @lacroixboi6969

#Smallwood #UTAustin #ACAB #FreePalestine #Austin

Another angle of Carlos from FOX7 being arrested has emerged:

The OP has a bio that says "I religiously devote myself to Texas Football" and his caption for this clip was "Guy with camera gets rkoโ€™d by police".

... I'm not going to lie, I had to google RKO and I'll be damned if Chris from Austin who loves football isn't right about this cop abuse!

๐Ÿ“ธ TW: @Chris_Kuhlman00

#UTAustin #Austin #RKO #FreePalestine #ACAB #FOX7

The day started with a convoy of cop cars heading to the UT Austin campus.

What was the rush? What was the threat?

Arresting college kids for holding signs and chanting and reporters for filming.

Real bang up job DPS

๐Ÿ“ธ Ryan Chandler - KXAN - NBC

#UTAustin #ACAB #FreePalestine #DPS

(Nitter addon enabled: Twitter links via

Through out the day DPS/APD made several pushes with mounted officers and riot cops to push students of the South Lawn.

Students slowly were pushed from the area.

๐Ÿ“ธ TW: @CandiceBernd

#UTAustin #ACAB #FreePalestine

There's been countless videos coming out of Austin of questionable arrests.

Here's one of an elderly man being arrested. I think this is the first arrest from UT today that didn't involve someone getting body slammed.

๐Ÿ“ธ TW: @CandiceBernd

#UTAustin #ACAB #FreePalestine

Once the South Lawn was clear, the mounted police left and the cops slowly dispersed.

They seem to have made some efforts to hold the lawn but . . .

#UTAustin #ACAB #FreePalestine

The student's numbers on the ground and spirit remained high.

They eventually re-took the South Lawn!

๐Ÿ“ธ TW: @CandiceBernd

#FreePalestine #UTAustin #ACAB
