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Items tagged with: union

@SabineHammerba Sollte das die Bundes-Kalkulation sein, dann funktioniert sie erkennbar nicht! Derzeit liegt die #AfD in der jungen Generation mit 22 Prozent auf Platz 1, dahinter die #Union mit 20 Prozent, dann erst die #Ampel-Regierungsparteien, die #FDP auf 8 Prozent. Eine „progressive“ Mehrheit ist nicht mehr erkennbar. Ich hatte ja vor #Rechtsruck & konkret der #Videocast- und #TikTok-Präsenz rechtslibertärer #Finfluencer wie #HossundHopf gewarnt… 😭🔥🇩🇪🇪🇺🤔

The Supreme Court today heard Starbucks' claim that lower courts messed up in deciding the fate of 7 baristas who were attempting to organize a #union at a coffee shop in Memphis, and who the government claimed had been fired for their labor activities.

A quick explainer to get you up to speed:

Workers at a Volkswagen factory in Tennessee voted solidly to unionize with the UAW, after twice in the past voting down the #union.

This time, they may have noticed that union workers won higher pay and better benefits from US automakers in their strike last year.
#News #BreakngNews #Labor #Business

DevOps job in Portland, Oregon with the city govt. Union job.

#DevOps #Portland #PDX #Jobs #GetFediHired #Union

Innere Sicherheit: Innere Sicherheit Kriminalität: Opposition wirft Regierung Versagen vor #FriedrichMerz #Deutschland #AliceWeidel #Migration #Union #AfD

Bertelsmann-Stiftung: Bertelsmann-Stiftung Bürgerliche Mitte verliert Vertrauen zu etablierten Parteien #BertelsmannStiftung #BürgerlicheMitte #Ampel-Regierung #Gesellschaft #Deutschland #Union #AfD

Ärztin über den Paragraf 218: „Müssen jetzt viel Druck machen“

Die Empfehlungen der Kommission zu Abtreibungen seien historisch, sagt Alicia Baier von den Doctors for Choice. Die Ampel müsse die Chance nun nutzen.#Paragraf218 #Frauenrechte #Union #Ampel-Koalition #Abtreibung #Deutschland #Politik #Schwerpunkt
Ärztin über den Paragraf 218: „Müssen jetzt viel Druck machen“

"Spotify’s CEO is now a billionaire but it takes artists 334 streams to make $1. The company just enacted a plan to completely demonetize smaller artists. Under the new policy, tracks that get under a certain threshold of annual streams will receive no money from the company. Groups like United Musicians and Allied Workers (ig: weareumaw) are fighting to save their industry."

#Union #capitalism

Today In Labor History March 27, 1904: The authorities kicked Mother Jones out of Colorado for “stirring-up” striking coal miners. Earlier in March, the authorities deported 60 striking miners from Colorado. In June, they arrested 22 in Telluride. For nearly 2 years, strikers, led by the Western Federation of Miners, were violently attacked by Pinkerton and Baldwin-Felts detectives. 33 strikers were killed. At least two scholars have said “There is no episode in American labor history in which violence was as systematically used by employers as in the Colorado labor war of 1903 and 1904.”

#workingclass #LaborHistory #colorado #union #strike #mining #motherjones #WorkplaceViolence #scabs #coal #pinkertons #colorado #minewars #wfm #WesternFederationOfMiners #womenshistorymonth