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Not partnering with trillion-dollar, people-farming, human-rights-eroding, and democracy-destroying surveillance capitalists like Meta should be the lowest of low bars when it comes to organisations that purport to work on ethical technology but, clearly, even that bar is just too fucking high for some.

#SocialWebFoundation #SWF #fediverse #mastodon #pixelfed #vivaldi #writeAs #iftas #ghost #mammoth #meta #automattic #medium #flipboard #fordFoundation #fastly #institutionalCorruption #BigTech

Jens Finkhäuser 🌻 reshared this.

in reply to Aral Balkan

Even more directly projects that claim to work on privacy missions cannot resist littering their Cloudflared website with Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and other garbage antithetical to their mission.

I can understand to some extent them having a presence in those shitty walled gardens for outreach to those misled audiences, but when they proactively link into those shitholes from their public-facing website, it’s obviously quite disgusting.

RMS gives good guidance in this scenario:

The links should go one-way: from the walled-garden to the free world.

in reply to Aral Balkan

they’re only too eager to help Meta do a bit of the ol’ reputation laundering, I guess
in reply to Karyl :godot: :procreate:

Every time Meta is discussed with me, I try to bring up their track record:

etc etc.

Their amoral and dangerous behaviour has to be the starting point for any discussion on working with them. Are people comfortable working with a company cited in reports on multiple separate massacres and genocides? A company that knew in advance people might get killed and said they would still carry on regardless?

Force Meta supporters/collaborators to look at the elephant in the room, don't let them turn their eyes away.

This entry was edited (6 days ago)
in reply to Aral Balkan

The problem that #SocialWebFoundation are not addressing is about change and challenge, the #NGO path they take is missing this, they do it on purpose to keep a seat at the table, which could be useful, but rarely turn out to be.

This can be fixed by I understand this is a VERY UNCOMFORTABLE path for everyone, but it will work if backed up by what do you think we can do to start this conversation?

in reply to hamish campbell

There seems to be an attitude that once a common good develops to a certain point, it should be handed over to for-profits to exploit, that it must not continue as a common good.

I don't understand why so many people just go along with this without questioning it.

Aral Balkan reshared this.

in reply to FediThing 🏳️‍🌈

@FediThing @hamishcampbell
This is an inversion of the constitutional American principle that inventors should have exclusive rights to their useful inventions only for limited times. After that, anyone can use those inventions. That's why patents expire. A patent insures an inventor's exclusive rights. But, to get a patent, the inventor has to completely explain how to duplicate the invention, and the patent is a public document.
in reply to Aral Balkan

it's an attempt at a power grab Aral, even Meta aside, it is an illegitimate attempt to take over the cultural and technological aspects of decentralised social communication. Only makes sense that they're partnering up with a bully to fund their mission. Read their founder's bio on Fedi, he thinks he owns ActivityPub, unchallenged by even the author or co-editors, W3C, etc and now he wants to set the tone for the Social Web and Fediverse.
in reply to Aral Balkan

Here’s an interesting example. This is a government agency tasked with defending digital rights in #Belgium:

As you can see, they don’t merely have a link to their FB account. They actually direct the public to go to #Facebook and #MS #LinkedIn to get /public/ information (that is, info intended for the general public). I am blocked from the publications on that page because I do not have FB or LinkedIn.


public money → public agency → private #walledgarden.

Aral Balkan reshared this.

in reply to Aral Balkan

what else could #SWF do if they join the fedivirce then the network effect keeping them in metas grasp will losen and we will get many more users
in reply to M1k3yv2

@M1k3yv2 Goodness, those Meta folks must be really foolish, huh? Looks like they’re stepping straight into our trap.


in reply to Aral Balkan

they might still lock down settings export from there server
in reply to M1k3yv2

@M1k3yv2 Shush, they might be listening… this could foil our ingenuous plan.



in reply to Aral Balkan

if our plans relia on secrecy they might not be good enough