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Items tagged with: FreeSoftware

Content warning: In Swedish, E-identification, FOSS

Content warning: In Swedish, E-identification, FOSS

Publicly funded software has to be #FreeSoftware. While there are plenty of good reasons for this, many politicians don’t know about them yet.

This is where you can help! ✍️ Sign the open letter to give our message more weight!

Energy Conservation with Open Source Ad Blockers

🚀 We are excited to announce the launch of a new podcast series showcasing the transformative power of "𝐎𝐩𝐞𝐧 S𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐜𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐂𝐥𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐞" and the people and stories behind it. As host of the @sustainoss Podcast, @richlitt is the ideal voice to bridge the gap between what sustains the open source ecosystem and how open source can sustain the natural shared ecosystem on which we all depend.
#opensource #climatechange #climate #sustainability #FOSS #freesoftware

#ThankGNU! to Adarsh Melethil, David Bruce, Hideki Igarashi, the I2P Maintainers Team, James Wilson, Mikael Taipale, Stefan Antun, and Valerio Poggi for helping the FSF continue its goal of educating the public about #freesoftware See a longer list of those who have helped us financially in our advocacy for #SoftwareFreedom and awareness:

when you get something from #Debian GNU/Linux "main" repository, it _is_ #FreeSoftware (except where the usually very thoroughly working Debian devs have made a mistake),

Played "beneath a steel sky" many years ago after @ber recommended it. Now I replayed it with my child. We had great discussions about human <-> machine interaction (#AI), ethical questions, and laughed together.

Old, but still a great #FreeSoftware #OpenSource #game with a great story (also packaged for distributions).

Content warning: In Swedish, E-identification, FOSS

Content warning: In Swedish, E-identification, FOSS