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Items tagged with: Supremecourt

"ACCOUNTABILITY FOR TRUMP’S MISDEEDS is all the more important given that the U.S. Supreme Court, with its right-wing majority, is AWOL from its most basic tasks: seeking equal justice under law and winning public trust in a prudent and steady system of rules not subject to radical revision based on the whims of recent appointees."

~ Donald B. Ayer and Dennis Aftergut

#Trump #crime #criminal #felon #guilty #ElectionInterference #LawandOrder #SupremeCourt

"the case is notable because Fox Corporation—the parent company of Fox News— is directly paying the family of a Supreme Court justice, which neither Barrett nor her husband are required to disclose."

The rot in the court is a feature of the Federalist Society, not a bug. As long as there is a pipeline for FedSoc to put right wing activists into the court, you'll have this corruption.

#USPol #SCOTUS #supremecourt

"That helps explain how #Republicans have held a majority of seats on the #SupremeCourt for 55 consecutive years despite losing the popular #vote in seven of the last eight presidential elections: The #Republican majority on the Supreme Court interceded in an election to put a Republican loser in the White House where he could appoint two more Republican Supreme Court justices, perpetuating the Republican majority on the Court."
- @foser

#SCOTUS #Alito #Corruption #USA

As Heather Cox Richardson reports, the Supreme Court just signed off on a South Carolina congressional map that dilutes Black votes by gerrymandering.

And Samuel Alito wrote the majority opinion. She writes,

"Almost exactly 70 years after the Supreme Court unanimously decided Brown v. Board, it appears that the framed timbers designed to reverse the expansion of minority rights are falling into place."

#SupremeCourt #Alito #corruption #democracy

#Grundgesetz #LawFedi


...Gesetzgebungsprozesses (u.a. Super Majority) keine neuen #Verfassungszusätze mehr.

Was würdest du am #Grundgesetz ändern wollen?

Wichtig ist aus meiner Sicht der Schutz der Unabhängigkeit der #Verassungsrichter aufgrund der Vorfälle in #Polen unter der PIS und in den #USA durch die Machenschaften der #HeritageFoundation und die Übernahme des #SupremeCourt durch reaktionäre #MAGA-Richter.


"Alito is the Supreme Court’s most unrelenting Republican partisan — a reliable vote for whatever outcome is preferred by the GOP’s right wing, regardless of whether there is any legal support for that position. Alito isn’t simply a bad judge; he is the negation of law, frequently embracing claims that even intellectual leaders within the conservative movement find risible."

~ Ian Milhiser

#Alito #SamuelAlito #SupremeCourt #corruption #LawandOrder

The fate of #emergency #abortion care rests with #SupremeCourt. On Wednesday #SCOTUS is hearing arguments over whether the #Biden administration has the power to penalize hospitals such as Memorial Regional that fail to provide abortions in emergency situations — or if the White House is wrongly applying a nearly 40-year-old emergency-care law to justify access to abortions.

“Alito doesn’t deny the flag was flying upside down, doesn’t deny its meaning, doesn’t express any disapproval for it and doesn’t disavow it.”

This wasn’t a random period of time. It was AFTER January 6 and BEFORE the inauguration.


A Justice has never made a more persuasive case for the Legislature to kick them out on their ass for bad behavior than has Alito.

#uspol #politics #uspolitics #law #lawfedi #legal #SCOTUS #SupremeCourt

As with all of her postings, everything Heather Cox Richardson says today deserves attention. She opens by noting that the Dow Jones closed above 40,000 for the first time in history. But "in comparison to the breathless coverage of the stock market during Trump’s administration, this milestone is getting very little coverage."

#Biden #Trump #economy #SupremeCourt #SamuelAlito #Jan6

Justice Clarence Thomas calls criticism of him ‘nastiness’ & ‘lies’

After facing harsh questions about his judicial decisions & accepting lavish gifts from a billionaire, #SCOTUS Justice #ClarenceThomas forcefully pushed back on
his critics Fri — saying he & his wife, #GinniThomas, have endured “nastiness” & “lies.”

#law #SupremeCourt #JudicialEthics #BoughtAndPaidFor #PartisanCourt #ActivistCourt

When you look at the facts of the Trump indictment — not imagined hypothetical scenarios — there is no way the Constitution grants him immunity from prosecution.

(Samuel Breidbart, Brennan Center for Justice)

Two centuries of U.S. constitutional history make clear that Donald Trump is liable to criminal prosecution.

#SCOTUS #SupremeCourt #History #Immunity #Justice #Crime #Elections

#ElectionInterference #Fascism #Fascist #Trumpism #Corruption

There's been some talk #Trump choosing #Rubio as his VP would have issues because they are both from the same state (Florida), but it's hard to believe the #SupremeCourt #Republican males would allow courts to intervene even though the text (and well accepted understanding) of the Constitution prohibits Florida electors from voting for both of them. They would just make up something, like they did for the 14th amendment Insurrection Clause. #scotus #usa #2024Election

You know that conversation about expanding #SCOTUS

This article explains why that may not make a difference in more liberal outcomes for our #Democracy #law #Supremecourt

"Friends of the Court," ProPublica's investigation into Supreme Court justices' beneficial relationships with billionaire donors, has been awarded the #Pulitzer Prize for Public Service!

Here are the highlights from the reporting (THREAD)

#News #SCOTUS #SupremeCourt #ClarenceThomas #SamuelAlito #HarlanCrow #Law #Journalism